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FMP - Self Assessment: 

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Action Plan: 


  • Overcoming personal challenges ​

  • Using other software for editing

  • Time management 

  • Delegate and stand back 

  • Using green screen

  • Setting up lighting 

Overcoming Personal Challenges:

Firstly, I need to improve on overcoming personal challenges as I feel like I let it consume me a little and that affects my ability of my work negatively. For example, if I have an off day I will barely complete any work and this can affect my progress and delay me to moving on to the next stages of my project. By working on this I will be able to stay on top of all my work for my FMP and it will really help contribute to my overall grade. Specifically, for this category, I need to improve on being able to work on a plan that allows me to work on all the work I may miss on a day like the one stated above. Further more, I need to work on separating that mindset from my work and being able to cope with both. Personally, I will know I have improved when I am able to focus on my work and stay on routine with it. This will allow me to better myself for FMP and get the most I can possible do done, in this limited time frame. I am hoping to have this plan in place by 01.02.24. This will allow me to start the new week, with a new plan, which will motivate me. 


Different software:

Secondly, I need to practise using different software's so I can find which one is the best for me, the easiest to manoeuvre and which offers the best resources for what I am planning on to create. This will really benefit me when I am creating my FMP as I will be able to use the easiest software to edit my video making  it a more smooth and successful edit. I feel like it will also give me more confidence with my editing ability. Specifically, I need to improve on using other software just so I know how to. They may offer other stuff that Premiere pro doesn't and this will allow me to create the best work to my ability. Once I am able to use each site easily and prove that to myself about creating something small on it, I will know I have improved. Personally, I know this one won't be the easiest to achieve but I am giving myself three weeks, to work on this and by then I will have a better understanding and evidence. 


Time Management:

Thirdly, I need to improve my time management. I have always pretty well with my time in the past but as of recent I feel like it has slipped and making miss valid time for me to complete my work and projects. For my FMP, I plan on setting off earlier to both college and my lessons, to void being late and losing time on my FMP. I think this will also benefit me as it will motivate me to meet the submission date and stick to my schedule. I really need to improve on how I manage my time overall as between work and college, I struggle to find that spare time to be able to get that little bit of extra coursework done. I will know I have improved when I am able to create a plan that will allow me to balance my time in a more suitable manner and allow me to stay on track of all my work. Overall, I feel like this will take me a week or so to achieve, as I will make my plan by the 01.02.24 and I just have to get into the routine of it and stick with it. 


Delegate and Stand back: 

Fourthly, I need to learn that standing back and letting other people take creative control isn't a bad thing. This has always been a grey area of mine, as I am a control freak and like being in charge, yet, I do know that standing back and letting other people show their ideas and what they can do can also improve my projects. With this in mind, for my FMP, I plan to listen to feedback from others and take into consideration what they say with a more positive approach (as I do this project alone and can't exactly do this one, to the full extent). By doing this I will be able to stand back a little and see how other people's ideas can have a good effect on my work and how it may better my work. I will know I have achieved this goal when I have finished my project and feel like it has improved with other peoples comments and parts they have played in helping me create my FMP. This one is a long and steady process and will probably be complete after my FMP done but if I can at least use it slightly in my FMP it will show my improvement in the matter. 


Using the green screen: 

Fifthly, I need to find ways to better my projects by using special effects (green screen). Throughout my other projects, I have always been closed off to this idea as I wasn't keen on the results. However, this time I feel like I should give it ago as it might benefit my idea for my FMP as I will be able to show these different skills, I have been developing since September 2023. Specifically, I need to improve my skill of using the green screen overall and show the evidence of this. This said evidence will be how I know I have improved this skill and will serve as weather or not  I will be using it in why FMP. I will also know I have improved this task when/if I use it in my FMP as it will show me getting over "it not looking right" fear and prove I am willing to try new things to make something to the best of my ability. Overall, I know this will take a few weeks to improve on and plan to start doing it more or less right away, so I can see that difference sooner rather than later.


Use of Lighting:

Finally, for my other projects, I have never had the need and want to set up lighting as I have always just decided natural lighting is best for what I was creating. This time round though, I want to be able to try out different types of lighting to see which will work best for my FMP.  To improve  on this, I will need to document evidence (like above) to show which ones will be best for my actual project and develop this skill in a deeper depth. I will know that I have improved on this when my FMP is complete and I can see the different lighting's in my piece and know what each one represents/means. I will also know that I have completed this goal when I am able to choose which ones fit best with certain scenes of my project. Once again, I feel like these skills will only take a few weeks to develop and i will be starting more or less right away on it, so I know sooner rather than later which one is the best for me to use.

Project Reflections: 

Project Task and Rating:

  1. Halloween advert

  2. Music video

  3. Horror Scene

  4. Website design

  5. Podcast

  6. Foley

  7. Zombie DVD Cover 

  8. Magazine Cover


Why is number one, number one?:

Number one is the Halloween advert for many reasons. The main reason is that we had full creative control. I really enjoyed how we got to pick the product, design a logo and decide fully what we wanted to do in the advert. This meant I was able to decide fully what I wanted to do from start to finish and that alone was my favourite thing about the project. What also made this project my favourite, was the editing, visual and audio work. The visual work felt we were creating a film but we had to sell the product and we took a lot of inspiration from previous Haribo adverts. the audio was also fun as we got to try foley, as I never managed to try it the first time round and that was a fun experience over all. It was also the first project that I decided to do outside of college, which made the experience all the more enjoyable and overall made our project better. 


Why is number eight, number eight?: 

Eight, Seven and Six, were all projects I was unable to do, due to personal reasons. Moreover, the reason I put the podcast in last place is because there was no visual part to it. Creating the podcast and everything to do with it was fun and enjoyable but as there wasn't any visual work to do (other than the logo) it was my least favourite. Another reason that podcast was my least favourite, was because it felt like I was in a box a little bit with what I could create. I also has a lot of issues with the editing part of the podcast and it made it slightly un-enjoyable. 

Reflection (so far): 

So far, (from the 25.01.24-29.01.24) I  have started my FMP project by doing my self reflections, action plan and project reflections. Each of these tasks have been crucial for the start of this specific project. For example, self reflection has allowed me to consider what I have been doing well in and the areas I still need to improve for my final major project. It really allowed me to consider areas that I should try and include in my project (like green screen and lighting) to make it better over all. Furthermore, my action plan has allowed me to develop a plan of sorts on how I am going to pursue and improve certain skills. It has really encouraged me to put a time frame on these task and motivate me to start all ready to begin improving these areas which I lack full confidence and ability. Moreover, my project reflection has encouraged me to begin thinking about what I want to do for my FMP and see the areas I have enjoyed over the last five months. It has really helped me begin developing ideas for what I want to do and giving me a better understanding of what I have actually enjoyed and why. 

So far, I have stayed on track and met deadlines for the task's listed above. It has really help me begin on approving my time management skills and has motivated me to make time to work from home after college, to make sure that this is all completed to my best ability. It has even encouraged me to go over the previous stuff I have written and tweak them to sound more formal and make them longer, with more details on what I mean. 

This past week, the main thing I have learned is where I need to improve and the criteria for the final major project. This specifically has helped me get a better understanding on where I should be aiming for this project and what I should be working on to improve my skills over all.  I now know that for me to get a distinction from all my work and different sections of the work need to be at that level and if one isn't I wont achieve this grade. I also know that I must improve on my production, editing and my skills for life skills (commitment, collaboration, resilience and confidence) to create a great FMP. 

The next thing for me to do is start planning and doing my initial ideas, my proposal and my schedule. These will allow me to start planning and creating my FMP. Once things are in place and organised I will be able to begin my research part of the task and really begin creating my project. I have already given some thought to what I want to do and these consist of: short film, trailer and a music video. I have a small plan for each of these which I will develop in full when that part of the project begins. As of right now the only problem I see arising is time. I am a bit paranoid that I won't have enough time to create all my ideas and submit the proposal whilst also spending some time messing about with the green screen and lighting for my evidence. However, I should be able to plan all of this out and it should hopefully work out for the best. 

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