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May Evaluation: 

May has had only one focus, and that is editing my final piece together and making it to the best of my abilities. This one only has one subpage but instead of talking about the single sub-page. I will talk about my first draft and final draft. 


My first draft was the hardest part of post production. In my first draft I wasn't really sure where to start. I simply edited it together, added some music and did colour change. When I put it like that it sounds so easy but it wasn't. When I finished editing my first draft, I was happy with the results, I did feel like it needed a lot more work done to it. The hardest thing, that could have went better, was the colour changing. I know if I had practised more, it wouldn't have taken me so long to get my desired results. When it comes to editing something like this again, I would definitely find and pick my music before, or at least get some ideas, as it was incredibly difficult going through hours of music not knowing what I am looking for and just hoping it matches. In the end though I was really happy with the music I found. Honestly, the only thing that ran smoothly with my first draft was the cutting down the clips and placing in order and this is only because I spent time organising them and re-naming the files so I could find them easier. I did have to re-place some of my clips, however this was because I knew it would look better as a montage. From finishing this off, I can get feedback on it and see where other people think I can improve and make my work better. 


My final draft, on the other hand, went so well. As I already had the base print for my film, it was a matter of tweaking things here and there. I took things from all the feedback I got and found ways to incorporate them into my piece. In the end I loved my finished results. I really like how it all came together and is exactly how I envisioned it, when I first wrote the script. When it came to re-editing the hardest thing straight away and that could have gone better was my new intro, outro and credits it was incredibly hard to make them and get the up to speed that fit the gap and music I already had. In the end that struggle was worth it because it really added to my horror piece and made it more suspenseful and cinematic. If I was to do this again I would correct all my audio in the first draft. It wasn't that this wasn't easy but I feel like it just really helped my film and made it more clear on what was happening. I feel like if I did this in my first draft, it wouldn't have felt like something was missing when I submitted as so. The easiest thing, believe it or not, was cutting down my clips and montage. I won't say there wasn't moments where it was frustrating because there was, especially with the montage clips. However, it was so easy, when pointed out, to see where clips went over to long and where it could easily be made shorter. Due to  this I managed to get my film down to eight minutes instead of nearly eleven, make it more fast paced and add a new song for the montage scene, which goes so much better. This feels done to me and personally, I don't want to change anything else with it. I will get some people to watch just to get the feeling of the final draft. 


Overall, this has to be up there with my favourite part of this project. I really liked seeing the full film come together and being able to see all the hard work and effort I put into finally payed off. 

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