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Proposal and Feedback:

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The feedback I received from one of my peers, was in fact very encouraging and useful. Firstly, they start off by saying how much they love my idea and how they feel about it overall. Straight away this gives me some sense of confidence with what I aiming to create and how I plan to do this. Furthermore, they then continue to say how my plan to do the split between past and present with create suspense, which is my goal, and how it would make a really dramatic piece of content. Overall, this feedback has made me more comfortable with my idea and the steps I am planning on doing it with. Not only this but, I have also been able to see how this idea may come across to someone who isn't a fan on this type of movies and it has encouraged me even more. 


The feedback I received from my tutor has really help me with my Proposal. The ticks throughout it has encouraged me and made me more clear on my idea, as well as the approved on top. However, she actually gave me some helpful feedback for the second section of Proposal. After having to re-write this part I missed genre and timing. So with this added support, I was able to tweak it slightly and make it better, with more needed information. 

Candidate Authentication Form:


Analysis of Brief:


Firstly, when reading over the brief, I am able to see the clear aim's it is asking me to work towards and complete. In simple words and to me, I believe it is asking me to create piece, in which I set my own goals, do extensive research for and reflect upon and use the skills I have developed through my first year of UAL creative media. I also feel as if the brief wants me to create a piece for a specific audience and specify that through my research and final piece. Moreover, I can also understand from the brief that if I don't achieve a steady level thought my work will be marked at the lowest grade I receive. 

Furthermore, I can clearly tell that my piece will be reaching the requirements of the brief. I know this because I am willing to let people look at my work at see where I can improve, I will upload all my work (including the little thing) onto Wix and finally, I am aiming from a distinction as my final grade so i will complete everything to my best ability and a very high standard. 

Secondly, when reading through the context page, I am able to identify what it asking us to do. It want's us to have clear analyse of the brief and be able to develop our ideas to a very high standard. I have started completing this through mind maps and my initial ideas. Furthermore, I have also written a proposal, which includes a rationale, project concept, evaluation and even proposed research sources. This has allowed me to get a better understanding of what I want to complete and how I am going to achieve this. Creating a project action plan, self assessment and even an evaluation, has allowed me to really get a better understanding on where I can improve and what my best skills are. Completing this stage of my project and using the guide I got through the brief I have had a better understanding of what I need to complete to achieve my goal and feel instantly more organised.

Moreover, once I had read the research page I instantly was able to understand that it wanted me to be able to find and use research methods to help me create my idea. More specifically, I planning to use  Subject research and audience research to begin with, I feel like these specifically will allow me to get a better understanding of who I am specifically making this short film for and what they might may like and what context is ideal for me to include and study before I begin production. Not only this but I am planning on using Harvard research logs, Technical research, Research review, Evidence of ongoing research and relevant evidence of skills I am tying to develop. The different types of research that are listed here will help me be able to develop my skills and general knowledge on what I want to create and the specific genre of psychological horror. This part of the brief has allowed me to get a better understanding of what I need to complete to a very high standard to reach what I want to achieve with my FMP.

Fourthly, reading through the practical part of the brief I can clearly interpret what it is asking of me. It wants me to use all the skills I have developed this last year and all the knowledge I will gain from my research project to complete my creative media short film. To complete this task to a very high standard I am planning to create a production schedule to help me get through this and include everything I need to show my skills. I will post my progress through screen shots and blogs to evidence the work I have been creating and what the uncut footage looks like. Furthermore, I will also include plans, mock ups, scripts and production paperwork. All the things listed above will really help me keep track where I am with my work and create it to a really high standard. The final thing I will include in this part of my project s my final cut of the sort film. This will show all the information I have used and the skills I have developed. 

Finally, the evaluation part of the brief has allowed me to understand that if I nee to evaluate my work, through out, to a high standard. It must also meet the requirements and parameters.

Overall, I feel like I have a very good understanding of the brief and what it wants me to complete. I know have a stronger understanding on what I need to specifically need to complete for each of these set task within the brief and project as a whole.  

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