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My two locations are the key parts to my story. The forest is an iconography and key setting for horror films, it will be all spooky and isolated, which will help me build tension and create an uneasy feeling for the audience. The house on the other hand is even more important I would say. I have the hidden message to this film, how the rich consume the poor and use them to their own benefit. The only way that message could be betrayed if the house is spectacular. I personally believe that I have selected the correct home to use here, as it is big and spacious. It is ideal and perfect for what I am aiming to create. My only concerns with my locations is mainly how my actors will get to them. However, I have been able to work out how long it will take each of them, which isn't to bad and you can get the bus. Not only this though, but with the fact that I am using my aunties home she has agreed to allow us to stay over when we want. My only other concerns really is the weather. It isn't predictable, one day it could be bouncing down and the next sunny, I just need to keep my eye on this for now and see what the best thing would be for m to do next. Availability is great for both of these locations. The park is a public place and I will be able to film in an isolated place and maybe just have a few interruptions and once game as the house belongs to a family member she has left it to us for a full week. There is multiple activities taking part in each of the locations. Th house is already more simple with just the every day task of cooking, watching tv and eating. The forest will be more difficult and maybe even a bit dangerous, because of what's on the ground that we can see. However I am thinking ahead to help avoid this. 

Location three.PNG
location one.PNG
location two.PNG

The location of the murder place is different to the one above due to Heaton Park being to busy, so I had to change last minute. 

Props and Resources: 

prop form.PNG

I will need quite a few props and resources to really help bring my story to life. The two key things are going to be the fake blood and the meat, without these I won't really be able to tell the story. I will provide both of these items myself. I will use both of these items in the house and only the blood in the forest. I plan to have the blood cover the fridge and Shannon in the scene that she dies. Finally, I will use the blood once more in the forest to show Zaidie's death. The meat however, will only be seen in the house and him cooking it. I will have him be really suspicious around the meat like looking at and staring at it. I will have him act all secretive as if he is ashamed or wants it for himself. When we finally see what is in the fridge at the end that is when you will see the different types of meat and that is why I need so much. The costumes are probably the most important thing after the two listed above, the costumes use colour theory and will allow me to help foreshadow and introduce the characters in a way. Thy will be used all the way through, as the killing happens on the same day and the eating happens on another. So there isn't any need for costume change. Like I listed in the form, I am expecting everyone to provide there own costume with the guidelines I will give them, if they don't have these items I will step in and provide and help where I can. I have also listed above what I would like each character to wear. I know this will be difficult to achieve, put it is key and I am going to try my best to achieve it. Finally, the make up and cutlery props are the easiest part as I will have help with them. For example my sister will be helping me with the make up, she will help make it look more realistic. The other prop is easy as my auntie will be providing them along with her house. She is allowing us to use them for anything we need as long as nothing gets broken. Both of these are bonuses for me as it will allow me to save money and budget it around other props that I may need. The make up will be used in forest mainly, whilst the cutlery and pans will only be used in the house. 

Equipment Form: 


The equipment I am choosing to use isn't the same as the equipment I have grown use to over this year. In fact this is fairly new equipment for me and I have only used it a few times. However, from these few times I have decided that it is best for me to use them as my GoPro is great for action shots, lite and small (meaning it will be easier to move with and less likely to break) and not to mention it is much easier to use in terms of settings and audio. So firstly, each piece of equipment I will be providing myself. For my main piece of equipment is the GoPro, I will be filming on this, it is small and easy to use and it's great for action shots. The tripod I am planning using will really help with certain scene like the establishing shots and scenes where it is completely still. The microphone is key for my piece. In the past, I have struggled with audio as the past cameras didn't pick it up well. So in advance I have practised using this new camera and the microphone to see how well it works. I'm not really sure I need the lighting but I plan on taking it just in case. 

Risk Assessment: 


With my risk assessment their isn't any risk for me or the camera, it's mainly my actors who are in risk of harm or hazards. Each one is in risk of falling. Zaidie and Alex are in risk of falling when they run, whilst Shanon is in risk of falling from a tree. I am planning to do everything possible to make all of these activities safe and do able. I will make sure the path they will run on is clear of any tripping hazards and any thing might cause harm to them. I will ask them to do so themselves as well to see if they have noticed any thing I haven't. Just double checking it is as safe as it can be. I will also make sure that each person feels safe and comfortable after each take, this will allow me to triple check the area and make sure that no one is getting injured. With Shannon I will guide and support her up the tree to make sure she won't slip and fall. Whilst in the tree I will do short takes to make sure she is ok and comfortable. I will als be checking the strength of the tree to make sure it own't snap under her pressure. The only other precaution I can take is by just checking in with her when possible. The only other risk that we could face is Alex burning himself. I am planning on making sure he is comfortable and that he feels safe. I will have oven gloves close by if he feels like that would be better for him to use. I am also planning on keeping a bowl of cold water next to him incase he does burn himself and a compress. This will hopefully help with the burn. If any of the above occur we will take a break and see how the person fees later on and if they are ok with continuing to film. Each one of the risk are classed as medium in my eyes because these are everyday task in away or simple, so they could get hurt and is more possible. The only one that I classed as high is Zaidie running this is because she is suppose to be acting like she is running for her life and might be a bit more un-careful so I will be taking extra caution with her. 



My storyboard, has really helped me bring my piece to life in away. I had an idea on how I wanted it took look and what shots I will use but having it drawn out and I can clearly see what I want to achieve. In the first box, I have drawn two girls just walking and talking - this is where my film begins. The two girls in this point are arguing about the people have gone missing and to make it up for it, as one upset the other, they play a game of hide and seek, which leads us into box two. For these first two boxes I am planning on using wide, middle, long and over the shoulder shots to really help set this scene. In total it will be about two and half minutes long. After the first two boxes we get introduced to the cannibal in the third one. His scene is only short and he is literally sat down watching Tv and then he gets up and eaves that room. All shots that he is in will be close ups and extreme close ups, this because I don't want people to see his face, only parts, so it is more secretive. This scene will probably range from 30 seconds to a minute. It then cuts back to the four box, in the forest and we see one of the girls looking for her friend, she will have a few extra shots of her messing about pretending to be a gymnast. I am doing this so the audience symphonises with her in a way and gets to know her better as she is the one they will be rooting for. I will mainly use full body shots and middle shots for this scene, I want them to see the location and how she is isolated creating this uneasy feeling. It will be about one minute in length. The next box over will start with a scream, which will then lead the girl to go looking for her and she discovers her dead. The whole reason that Keith makes an appearance in that box even though we won't see him is because I want to show that he is there and the reason for the death. I will once again use close ups, wide shots and middle shots and it will be about one minute in length. The last box on that sheet of paper is my Cannibal again. He is simply cooking but the full thing is secretive in away and that's why the shots in this scene will be close ups and extreme close ups. I will even include a wide shot but just make sure his face isn't in it. Onto the next paper, we see the cannibal eating what he has cooked. This part is short and simple but I will have the shoulder shots and and close ups again to help build that tension. We are then back in the forest for the second box on this sheet, the girl is running for her life and I will use extreme close ups and wide shots in this scene, and the odd middle shot here and there. I will make this scene fast paced to help build the tension. In this scene she also falls down and gets injured where she crawls behind a tree, I will use the same shots for this part as I want to build suspense when he is shouting her and her hiding. The third box is her dead. She tries running again but he catches her and kills her it is that simple, I will use an establishing shot in this scene and close ups and an over the shoulder shot. We cut back to the cannibal for the final strip of this storyboard, we start by seeing him clean dishes, through a back shot, he will then walk over to the fridge where the camera will follow him through close ups, we will see him get a drink out of the fridge. When he walks away the camera will stay there and we can get a look inside the fridge after a couple of seconds of being able to look in a hand will slam it closed. Breaking the forth wall right at the end. I will use a zoom on the fridge just for that part as if we are in shock and just want a close look. Each scene will be around a minute each or a little more. Overall in total I think my piece will be between 10 and 15 minutes. 

Shot List: 


As you can see above I am planning on using multiple shots in my short film, each shot will help make the story more tension built and scary. 

  • Close up - I will use this throughout my short film as it helps build tension and suspense.

  • Extreme close up - I will mainly use this with the Cannibal so you can’t really see his face and his identity remain a secret. 

  • Wide shot - I will use this throughout to help break up certain scenes and show the surroundings of where they are. 

  • Establishing shots - I will probably only use this twice to show the forest and the house. 

  • Over the shoulder shot - Once again, I will use this to break up the scenes a bit and give a break from the tension. 

  • Back shot - I am manly using this to avoid the cannibals face it is away for me to get more shots of him whole. 

  • Middle shot - These shots will work throughout to show the character properly and their outfits.

  • Full body shot - These shots will work throughout to show the character properly and their outfits. 

  • Follow - It will allow me to make it a bit more personal and scary. 

  • Slow zoom - Creates urgency and tension. 

Consent Form: 


It was really important for me to create these consent forms as it meant that I was able to use the footage that my actors were in and confirmation that the house I used was allowed in the footage as well. Specifically, the location consent form was the easiest and literally allowed me to use any footage in that house by the couple signing the paper. I simply put all the details of my production like name, my name and why I wanted the house. And then followed this with information about their house, who they are and contact number. I then used simple terms and conditions stating that any footage I take in that house belongs to me and I can use it as I please and I may use it throughout the media. I finished this off by writing a small bit to what the couple would be agreeing to and the date and sign area. Overall, I feel like the location form was incredibly important without it I could have lost half my footage and would have to find a different location all together. Moreover, my letter of release was the most difficult and probably the most important piece of document I needed. This one was a lot longer than the location form. It had to be more specific because wasn't just a house I would be using, I would be using the actors voice, face, movements and footage of them. I firstly, got the act6ors to write their name and the date. This was then followed by a short sentence stating that the person who signs this letter knows the basics around this film, their character and that they know it will be filmed. The paragraph under this then continued on explaining how I may use any footage I seem fit and I may put the video anywhere. Just after this, in the third paragraph, there is small part about copyright and how I have that right. Following on is another little paragraph, stating that I may use voice, name and likeness of this person in my piece. Finally, the last paragraph states more about the rights I have to the short film. I then ended this with a signature, print name and address so I could contact them if something is wrong with their consent form. Once again, overall, I found this one incredibly difficult to put together as there was many things I need confirming and consent given, however, I don't believe I did to bad of a job and it states everything I needed for my piece. 

Shooting Schedule: 


When I was planning my shooting schedule I had to take into consideration when my actors were free, how long it was going to take me to film and what would be happening within these time frames. After my original actors pulled out I had to start again with this and ask my new actors when they were free. At first this was quite difficult because of work and other commitments that clashed when we were all free. Initially, I was freaking out over the fact that I might not be able to complete my FMP but then I realised that all the actors don't have to be there. For example my Actors Bella and Macey are free the 02.04.24 to film, however, my other actor Callum isn't due to work. So I plan to do certain scenes that Callum isn't in on the first day. However, I still need Callum in the woods chasing Bella. So when trying to arrange what day to do this we found that the Thursday would be the best option as everyone who is needed is free. Finally, my last day of production is going to have to be pushed back till the following week. As I myself and Callum both have work, making it difficult and pointless to travel to Worsley to film. We agreed to film the Monday as we both know for sure we haven't got other commitments.  Moreover, I had to be reasonable by the time I was giving myself to film each scene. My actors are already aware that if they commit to a day it would be the full day they are needed. This means that I have full days to film a couple of scenes and it also means that I can use different shots and angles and even how my actors say there lines. It will be incredibly useful for editing to see this change and what goes best with my characters. Finally, I needed to define what was going to be happening in these time frames. Even though the full days give me a little more freedom. I also want to give myself a time limit to see if I can aim to create and film my scenes within it. Yet, I need to be reasonable. My actors still have to learn their lines and I think this will be on of the biggest things holding me back. Not only this but I also need to make sure where we are filming is safe as they will be running through the woods, which can be extremely hazardous. Even though, I do have an idea about what shots I want to use and where, I still want to experiment and see what fits best. So re-running certain parts of scenes to film it differently is going to take extra time. Overall, the filming schedule has really helped me start thinking about what my next steps are and how I will achieve this. I think it has really help put into perspective how difficult it would have been without a proper schedule and how stressful and confusing everyone have been. 

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