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March Evaluation: 

March was a long and hardworking month for me, I threw all my effort and resources into the research part of my task. It was incredibly difficult, extremely long but I wouldn't change anything about it because I feel like this has really helped me. 


So starting this project off, I did my Primary research. Each website I used and studied and put there, Harvard reference onto the page labeled it. Anyway, for my primary research, found out a lot of interesting facts about short horror films, different types of films, I hadn't seen before, a lot about genre and much more. Looking at the work I have completed in this time frame, I am over the moon with the results I got. I really did put a lot of effort in with this section and it pays off. Honestly, the only thing that could have gone better would be the time I estimated I could do this in. I did say on my schedule that I would like to complete this in two weeks or so, but it did take me the full month. When I next do a research task for something similar, I think I would change the amount of work I did for it. It is all helpful and useful, I have really benefited from doing this much, however, some of it feels repetitive and discussing similar topics that I have already explored. Like I said before, all the research was so helpful and inspiring, which has made the process go smooth. From all this research, I have a better idea about what I need to include in my actual film and the importance of it. 


Moving over to Audience research. At first I wasn't really sure to start with this. Yet, with some help from the analysis brief, I realised I need to discuss the different types of audience, my audience, Blummer and Katz and finally a form about my own film. This really allowed me to get a better understanding of who I want my film to reach and what I need to include to get there and why. I am happy with the results I got from all of this, I feel liked I backed up each point very well and my form also helps backs ups the answers I gave. The hardest problem I faced with audience was audience competition. I had to a lot more research and find a lot more evidence to back up these points. When I do these task another time, I think I need to put this task first, as it gave me more ideas for research task, which I had basically complete by this point. Once again this task has really inspired me and helped me think though about the specific thing's I need to include to capture my audience's attention. 


Finally, onto my media research. This is mainly me experimenting with some things I haven't tried before. for example a different software and colour grading. When looking at the work I did from the different softwares, they do look the same and both are pretty smooth. However, I found it a lot harder to work Final Cut Pro, due to never using it before and not really knowing how to use it. With Premier Pro though, I was able to get this done in a nice speed and didn't really have to worry to much about not knowing how to do certain things. I did enjoy experimenting with the though. The biggest issued I had with this task was time, if I had more time with my project and even just research I think I have had more time too learn Final Cut Pro better and use it for my final piece. I do think it is better than I use a software that I am more comfortable with for my FMP. When it comes to colour grading, I had never done this before and really wanted to try it before I started my pre-production, as I believe it will make my work better. When I gave this ago I was so happily surprised with all my results. It really inspired me and gave me a good feeling for this part of my editing. I just knew though that I wanted more colour in my actual dit but still dark and eerie. 


Overall, it's made me really excited for my next stages of this project and really got my thoughts racing for what I should include in both production and post production. 

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