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Mood Board:



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Character Profile: 

Faith is a young girl in her teenage years (16). She has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. 

Faith is kind and friendly and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. She can come across as aloof.  

She's smart and funny. She has big dreams for the future and one day hopes to achieve them. 

Bella Boe Jones

Her parents are happily married and they have a lot of love for their daughter. She has a little brother. 

She has a lot of practise in running and is her preferred way to workout. She even competes sometimes. 


Her biggest fear is the ocean and spiders. But she doesn't mind the latter when she is out in the woods. 

Faith lost her sister when she was 9 years old, from a car accident. It didn't change her but it left her more distant and quite.

as Faith

Faith is courageous and determined, but she has to always be right and is incredibly stubborn. 

Even though she is friendly to everyone, she really only about three friends, the best being Hope.

She loves reading and nature. She hates being on social media and would rather live in the moment. 

When my original actress for Faith pulled out a week before I started filming. I began to panic, I called and messaged every female friend I have. It seemed like I was out of luck, when I remembered my cousin Bella. I called up instantly and she agreed. Once I began making changes to my schedule and other documents, I realised that Bella was perfect for this role. You has a confidence about her where she doesn't get embarrassed easy and considering she was going to be in front of a camera and crawling and running away I knew her attitude was going to be great for this role. I generally believe that Bella will play her character extremely well, she is a lot like her in many ways and this will make her role easier. I have no concerns with Bella she has done acting before and I think she will help be bring the character of Faith alive. 

Keith is a young man in his early twenties (24). He has dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. 

Keith is quite and a bit of a loner. He hasn't really got any friends. He prefers keeping to himself. 

He's smart and calculated. He has built a life for himself through computers, making him rich. 

Callum Mitchell

He came from a broken home. His mother dead and his father an alcoholic. He has no siblings. 

He works out a lot. He is crazy about staying in shape and making his "hobby" simpler. He enjoys it though.

His biggest fear is being caught. He does everything in his power to leave no evidence behind and has extreme OCD.

Keith lost his mother at four, struggling ever since. He craved someone to care about him and it led his to be isolated. 

as Keith

Keith is determined and closed off, but he enjoys his hunting hobby and will do anything to keep doing it. 

Even though he is closed everyone around him can sense his power and strength and it scares them. 

Other than killing, he really enjoys cooking and taking time to relax. It helps calms his nerves. 

When my original actor for Keith pulled out two days before I started filming. I was so stressed and once again I called everybody I knew, I no longer cared if he was played by a woman or a man. Cause it was so last minute everybody I asked had said no. I turned to my last resort and asked Callum, to step in. He had told me from the beginning he didn't want to be in it and he couldn't act but he finally agreed when he realised that I had no one else. As we ran his lines and talked a lot about what I wanted to see from his character, I began to have a really good feeling about Callum playing Keith. He had that shy and uncomfortable feeling I wanted from Keith. He said that he felt Keith should have second thoughts when doing certain tasks.  I generally believe that Callum will play his character extremely well, he has great ideas for Keith and he is making his lines more personal. I did have a few concerns with casting Callum but since he is telling me his ideas and showing me what he can bring to the table for Keith, I think he will smash this role. 

Hope is a young girl in her teenage years (17). She has light blonde hair and dark brown eyes. 

Hope is loud and sarcastic. She has lots of friends. But she really likes her space. 

She's playful and clever. She wants nothing more to leave her town behind and travel the world. 

Macey Lewis

She never knew her dad and her mother isn't really around. She has to look after her two little brother alone.  

She has a simple passion for listening to music and playing guitar. It helps her escape and feel like she really belongs. 

She's smart and funny. She has big dreams for the future and one day hopes to achieve them. 


Her biggest fear is never leaving her town and being trapped their like her mother. She wants to get out and be free. 

Having to raise her two brothers, has left he growing up to fast and now she copes with sarcasm. 

as Hope

Hope is funny and fun. She enjoy's everyone looking at her and liking her. 

Even though everyone loves her, she really only cares about one person, Faith.

She loves long walks and just being somewhere peaceful. She likes being up high. 

When my original actor for Hope wasn't answering and tell me when she was free, I decided it would be best to get a back up. So I did I reached out to my cousin to ask if she would help if the other actor fell through and she agreed.  Strangely enough, she pulled out, so Macey stepped in for me. Straight away Macey was eggar to get started and was constantly going through the script and making notes. She knew before I even told her how to portray her character and how I wanted her to come across. She had ideas for the costumes and how her character could wear their hair down to every detail. I generally believe that Macey will play his character extremely well, she has great ideas for Hope and she is so enthusastic for this role. I did have a few concerns with casting Macey but since I have seen her and Bella run lines together hem fears have disappeared and I see know they can work well together and their closeness in age is what will make this piece better and more believable. 

Fonts and Colour Palette:

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My font choices come from a horror theme. I feel like each of these font's aren't to much and I feel as if they can really show that my film is more psychological thriller than horror. The reason why I chose the "Another Danger" font as one of my options because I think it is a bit more out there, it's bold, sharp and is it a bit more out there than the rest. I really like this font, especially with the title of my short film, it shows the genre really well and I feel like it also highlights that my film is gory in away. My only issue with this font is that I feel like it represents slasher movies. The second font, "Storm Gust" is very similar to the first one, just bigger and less sharp. I really like how this one isn't as in your face and it is more simple but again show's the genre of my short film. However, I don't feel like it goes with my subgenre of Cannibalism. I feel like the boldness isn't really psychological thriller and it makes my film look more frantic and urgent that it actually is. The "Zombie Birds" font is again similar to the two I listed above, It is just bigger and less messy. It's more neat with a few rough edges, which I do really like. I like how this one holds a statement with the name of my short film. I feel like it shows that it s interesting and would make people watch it. However, I think the name says it all - I feel like this would be great for a zombie film and not the best to represent mine. The "Help Me" font, is great and I love it. I feel like it looks like  sticks or like someone has scratched, which would go nicely with my piece. It very horror as well and it shows that my film is scary in away. However, this is the only issue. I don't want people to view my film and be scared. I want it to leave them thinking and contemplating about what they watched. Yes, I want them to be frightened and disturbed but not scared as they won't contemplate the meaning behind the story then. Finally, the "Stranger Back in the Night" font, is probably my favourite one, I feel like it is sleek but also have the messy edges that I liked on the other font's. It's not in your face but I feel like it represents my genre really well. It's dark and bold but also small and neat. I think I like it most because as I said above I don't to scare my audience, I want to make them think. This font show that and I generally believe it is perfect and will go well with the start and end of my film. 


I have chosen these colour specifically due to their representation. Starting with the colour black, this colour represents evil and darkness. This colour goes well for the colour Keith whilst making him look smart and respectable at the same time. Keith will be represented through this colour through his clothes and the objects around him. I did think about having the colour red to show how Keith is dangerous but I think I will do this through objects in the back of him. This will help make the reveal more subtle. The colour red has to been seen on both of the girls to show they are in danger and foreshadow the blood that will be spilt. The colour red has to be seen in each scene to foreshadow and highlight the danger and death that happens in this short film. The grey colour is quite dull however, the interior of the house is grey and it is important for me to remember that this colour with interior design can show wealth and simplicity which is what I want my Cannibal to come across as. My green colour is pretty key. Green can represent a lot. Specifically, green for my piece I want it to represent freedom and nature, as this is where we will see the green. I want the green to be kind of ironically used. The girls obviously die and they lose their freedom, however, the green can show how they was so close to being free if they went a different way, The green as well can represent the Cannibal's freedom as he hasn't been caught is so fine and unashamed in there and can be his true self, a killer. The yellow represents sickness and sickly feelings. I want to use yellow in my lighting in the scenes with Keith, I feel like this is important to show how he is messed up and disgusting just like the colour represents. Finally, the colour white is important, throughout the full piece. It shows innocents and youth, so my characters need to be represented through this colour to gain audience sympathy. So their age and how they don't deserve this fate they have been given. 

All the colours in my piece with really help bring my film together and help with foreshadowing, who is the good guy and bad guy and finally help with showing the genre over all. 

Mind Maps:


Bella: Red t-shirt, plain jeans, white trainers

Shannon: White hoodie, plain jeans, Red trainers

Alex: Black shirt, Black trousers, Any shoes.

Camera Shots:

  • Extreme close up 

  • Close up 

  • Wide shot 

  • Establishing shot 

  • Middle shot 

  • Full shot 


  • GoPro 

  • Tripod

  • Light 

  • Microphone 

  • Camera Case 

  • Battery 

  • SIM card


I have decided to use Premier Pro. Through this app I will: 

  • Use Colour Grading

  • Cut my clips down 

  • Edit them together 

  • Correct Audio 

  • Use Foley 

My Idea

Colour Palette:

  • Red (bright) 

  • Red (dark)

  • Green (Dark) 

  • Yellow (Dark)

  • White 

  • Black

Font Choice:

  • Another Danger 

  • Storm Gust 

  • Stranger back in the Night 

  • Zombie Birds 

  • Help Me


Faith (Bella): 

White Skin, blue eyes and brown hair. 

Hope (Shannon): 

White skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. 

Keith (Alex)

White Skin, blue eyes and brown hair. 


  • Heaton Park

Forest, lots of trees, it's very big, won't be disturbed. 

  • House in Worsley 

Big, have it for the full week, won't be disturbed.

Audience Feedback:

I asked to members in my class for feedback regarding pre-production and planning: 


Both sets of feedback, were extremely positive towards my work, which made me feel a lot better about and gave me some confidence for my production. However, my only down fall is that both feedbacks had no negative thoughts about my work, which makes it difficult to improve. 

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