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February Evaluation: 

At the beginning of February, my main goal was to get everything under Proposal, complete to my highest standard and distinction worthy. The Proposal part of the project consisted of creating and displaying my initial ideas, my actual proposal and my schedule. The hardest part of this was probably the schedule.


With my schedule, I had to plan and write out my next weeks out up on till May. I had to plan how long each section of this project was going to take me and how long I would give myself to complete these task. Other than having to re-do the schedule a few times before I considered it done, I would say it went well. It was incredibly difficult, predicting how long each task will take me, and then putting myself in that box to get everything I can complete in that timeline. So I think in the future when I complete this task again, I already know that I will have a better idea of how long each step will take me. I also know that next time I will probably work backwards, start at the end and finish at the beginning. This is because I then know when my schedule ends and I can estimate better based off this time, where everything will fit nicely. I think the full task went well, like I said above, however, I believe I have created an easy schedule to follow and it is reasonable for how long I have to complete this project. Based of the schedule I created, I am up to task and everything is going smoothly. 


Moving on to, my initial ideas, I simply started this task, by explaining my ideas in a bit of detail and then followed this by doing three large mind maps on them individually, going into more detail and the specifics about each one. I also followed each of these three mind maps with a small mood board so that myself and others had a better idea about what I was trying to create. This full task was incredibly fun and interesting, I never got bored of it. I feel like all the work I wrote up and created was good. Honestly, I believe that my first idea page could have gone a lot better, I don't feel like I gave to much detail about each one and that it is a bit boring to the rest, however, I also believe that this is apart of my what went well as well, as I wrote enough to tease but not enough for the viewer to already have a full understanding of what my thing is about. I also really liked my mood boards, I felt like they showed and summed up what would happen in my piece. I think next time, I will give more information just in general, add extra arrows off my three mind maps to give more detail and reasoning. Due to this task I know what form of media I am going to make and what it will be about. 


The final part of my February work, is my Proposal. This wasn't the hardest task but it was definitely up there. In my proposal, I had to sum up, explain and show what research I would use for my actual FMP. The difficult part was that it all had to be in a specific word count. After I wrote this up multiple times, tweaked it much more and finally submitted it, I was happy with my work. The research part of the task could have gone a lot better. It was hard to find research that I didn't know at this stage weather it would help with my piece or not. However, due to my limited time and schedule, I chose to skim a lot of it get an idea and then make a decision if it would help me or not. Next time, I have to do a proposal, I know that I will put a little extra time on this task and I would also practise writing my full proposal form out, so I can keep inside the word count better and then I wouldn't have to tweak it as much. I really feel like my concept part of the proposal went well, I felt like I explained and discussed my piece in enough detail, even with the limiting amount of words I was allowed to use. This tasked has really confirmed for me that I am making a short horror film on cannibalism, as is now allowing me to start research properly. 


The other two things I did for this part of my project was complete an analysis of the brief, which really allowed me to get a better understanding of what I needed to complete and what my aims were for a distinction, and feedback. The feedback was actually really helpful. It gave me advice on where I needed to tweak my work to get it to the grade, I wanted and also gave me some confidence with the kind words of them. 


Overall, this task was easy with hints of difficulties, but, I think I will benefit from this when I get deeper into my project. 

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