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April Evaluation: 

In the month of April, I was able to get quite a bit of my FMP complete, including the stages of pre-production and production. Both of these stages were so much easier and different from the first two sections I have worked on. 


Starting with Pre-production, there was only two subpages for this part of my FMP. One was planning and the other was pre-production. Starting with planning, for this I simply got together a few things that would help me with production and post production. I created a mood board, a treatment, a character introduction page, font and colour page, and a small mind map to help me remember what I need to include. Overall, I was in fact happy with my final results. I feel like all the options I chose in my mood board and colour and font page match perfectly. The character introduction was probably the hardest thing but also the most helpful as it really gave me an insight to how I wanted my characters to be presented on screen, with a background story. My treatment could have gone a little better but I also think it is to the best of my abilities as I haven't done one before for this type of media. It did take a long time because I wanted it to make sense but in the end it was worth it. When I complete all these task again in future projects, I would really want to try give everything in more detail. There is a lot of detail on certain aspects but others not as much. From this first step of pre-production, I can go into my forms with these fresh ideas in mind. 


On to, the second subpage of Pre-production, we have pre-production. his part of pre-production is, frustrating but also enjoyable at parts. There is so many forms to fill out in a lot of detail but it also really helps your piece come to life. For this part in particular the most frustrating part to create was the story board and shot list. With the story board I never know if it's enough or it needs more, it does let me envision my piece though. The shot list is annoying to do, it does give me an idea of what to include but I also struggle to think what will work in certain scenes without actually trying it out. I really think everything else went really well though, I knew what to write for them and in how much detail. My schedule went the best I have to say I really took my time with it thought it through and made it reasonable. When I have to complete all paperwork like this again, I think I will start with the two I hate the most to get it out the way and so I can back if needed. I think doing my schedule at the end was the most helpful because I didn't have to worry about going back to pre-production because it was already done at that point. From finishing this part off, I am able to move over too production, with ease. 


When looking back at the work I did for production, I couldn't be happier. So following the schedule I made in Pre-production, I manged to edit my script and re-write it and film. Starting with my script, as I was using a script I had already wrote over a year ago, I got extremely lucky with just having to change certain elements, character names and dialogue. I wanted to fit my actors more, so it easier for them to deliver and make it look more believable. This whole process went really went, I was able to finish my script of in a matter of days. The annoying part was when all three of my actors dropped out last minute and I had to tweak and edit my script again so it was now suitable for my other actors. That whole thing with my actors was  the most stressful thing out of this whole project. Anyway back to my script, I would have like to spent more time on the script after the other dropped out, but because of my filming schedule but I couldn't. Next time, I would actually spend more time looking for people who are more reliable so I can focus on my script writing and not panicking so much last minute. I did enjoy this progress at lot and it was so much easier to have this script re-written, so I could focus on filming. 


Raw footage, is a massive piece for my FMP, it's where I was able to get a look at what it will look like for the first time. When I say I was really loving what I saw I meant it. Filming itself was equally as enjoyable. The three actors I worked with and took it serious but we still had a lot of fun, and I think they all really played their parts amazingly. I feel like my only downfall, was not taking extra shots of certain scenes, as some are more shaky than other and little out of focus but I feel like I can fix that through editing. When I have to film something again I think I will reflect on what I wrote here and consider how to solve these issues. Back over to raw footage, when I watched all my clips, found which ones I liked best and re-named them, I was getting excited to move onto the next stage. Going back to  raw footage, I can see straight away the difference with some of the colours of the clips due to lighting. This isn't that big as I can easily adjust the colour of clips for it to match better. Now this stage is completely done, I am able to move onto editing. 


Overall, these two processes have been rally effective and has really motivated me to keep going with my piece. I can't wait to editing now because I have some great ideas that I can't way to try out on my own footage. 

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