Millie Mae Creative Media - FMP
Audience Analysis:
What is a primary audience?:
The primary audience in other words is the target audience, they receive the communication of the film or the advert directly.
What is a secondary audience?:
The secondary audience aren't in the primary audience but they still are included through other themes and elements.
How are different audiences targeted in media products?:
No media text is made for everyone. So when in the planning and pre-production stage, a certain group has to be selected to make the primary audience. They do this so they know they definitely have an audience and work out how they can target that said audience. Specifically, they will look at the use of colours, actors, language and even typography. For example, they may use red colour, big bold font with spooky lettering and Jamie Lee Curtis to show that it is a horror film, it will attract people who like the Halloween franchise and make them want to see this new and up coming horror film.
What are the different demographics producers put us in?:
Every product has had it's audience divided this way. Sometimes this can be general and only using a few of the ways of dividing us. Yet, some products and producers have specific ideas about their audiences and have a clearly defined audience profile for them.

How can the different generations affect audience?:
When looking at how times have changed as have technologies, we can see and understand how this might have effected and shaped the different generations. By looking at the different generations, we can get an understand of what their values are, what's important to them and what will appeal to them the most. Baby boomers, Generation x, y, z and Alpha all have different backgrounds and childhoods which affected the things listed above. When looking at the image displayed under we can see the main thing that affected these generations.

My Audience:
What is the primary target audience for your own product and why?:
My ideal target audience for my short film would consists of the lower middle, Generation Z (16-26) and more male audience than female. My reasoning behind the lower middle, is my idea for the short film is to have the Cannibal well off and we can see this though his home and clothing. So I want to show how the rich consume the lesser and I feel like this would be a good group to show it to and could possibly create a conversation around politics and the government. Generation Z would be an ideal group to show this too due to them being the future and how they can make that change. More over, they have more technical experience and I feel like they are less freaked out by certain things than other generations and as my short film is a bit weird they will be the perfect audience to watch it. Finally, the more of a male audience than female is expected with horror films, as they are more viewed by men. Not only this, but I would like use the male gaze to help me with my film and I think this would work rather well, with the girl lasting longer than the boy and allow the male viewer to create this idea that he would have survived if it was him and he could have saved her.
How will I target them?:
Other than the reasons listed above I plan to target these viewers by using people their own age, to draw them in and make them feel like they can relate to this. Furthermore, with the plan of the male gaze, I also plan on using the female gaze for the same reason and getting women to view it, equally as much. I will use this through the boy she is with and her surviving longer. I will also target them through the link to Jeffrey Dahmer, as everyone I know within that age bracket watched the series released back in September 2022.
What is the secondary target audience for your product and how could you target them?:
My secondary audience will consists of males from Generation X and Y, in the same class or middle. My main reasoning behind this is that the people from these two generations tend to like horror films a lot from my experience. I feel like this would be a good secondary audience for this reason alone, yet, my other reason behind this is that the political meaning behind it could cause either an agreement or a disagreement causing conflict, which is what every good movie has. Once again, I have chosen to target males and this is more because of statistics other than anything else.

Blumler and Katz:
What is Blumler and Katz?:
Blumler and Katz is uses and gratification theory 1947. The theory is that people seek out and consume specific media to satisfy one of four specific needs. (consuming media for our own uses and gratification.)
Personal Identity
Social Interaction
They argued that people could use the same communication message for different purposes. The same media content may gratify different needs for different individuals.
Personal Identity:
We can compare ourselves with the characters/contestants
We think about how we would do the challenge/ do it better.
Reminded of previous experience's
Social Interaction:
We look forward to talking about it with others
Competing with others who have also watched it
It brings people together, sharing the same interest
Allow's you to switch off for a while
You can imagine that you are on it
There are no repercussions to a wrong answer
Find out new information
Continue to thing about the best ways to pass/solve the challenge
Learn more then know more than others

Audience Research:

Firstly, I decided to make a questionnaire for my audience research to back up what I was saying originally in the first section. I feel this is the best way to evidence what I mean and how if my earlier prediction was spot on or far off. Secondly, I feel like using my own research for this is quite smart as I am able to show it specific to my short film.
Moreover, the first question that I asked was what is the age of person taking the survey. As I had expected, the group consisted of young adults from the age of 16-18, however this doesn't really prove anything as of yet but will come in useful with some of the more specific questions later in this form. However, as of right now it shows how people in this age bracket was interested in taking the survey.
My second question was straight to the point and asked weather they liked psychological thrillers or not. To my surprise eight of the nine people who took my survey, said yes and only one said no. This works to my advantage and backs up what I was saying earlier about how Generation Z is more into films like this. Even though I didn't ask this question I know that the people who took my survey are working class or skilled working class, which backs up some of the data I listed earlier.
The third question was a more of a specific one and I asked what do you like about the specific genre of film. Long story short, the answers I received was mainly about suspension and the intensity that you get from them. These answers were quite helpful and will be really valuable when I come to the production and post-production part of my film. Some of the other answer were consisted of the plot twist and being on the edge of the seat waiting to see what is next. This is also valuable information I will take into consideration for my audience. There is already a slight plot twist in my film but I feel like it is obvious half way through. With this new information I will try to find away to keep that tension and hide the big reveal.
The options listed in question four and what I am using as inspiration for my style of film, each are different from the other, however, I believe it is valuable to see what people have seen and get a better feel for what I am aiming to do for mine, weather that is similar to the most watched. Unsurprisingly, the Jeffery Dahmer series has been most viewed, this came out a few years ago and many people within in this age bracket watched it. I feel like doing a character analysis on him will be valuable for me to get a better understanding of what he was like and how he is portrayed. Surprisingly, the Texas chain saw massacre was ranked secondly, with Hannibal Lecter and Fresh being joint third. This surprising to me as I would have thought more people would have seen silence of the lambs. However, I think will still do another character analysis on him instead of the first as he is more well known for being a cannibal. Being completely honest I am very surprised that anyone has seen the hills have eyes. In my opinion it is an amazing film and would recommend to people, however, it is quite old and before everyone's time who has took part in the survey.
For question five, I was happily surprised with the results on weather or not these people like films with meaning. Only two out of the nine said no and the rest said yes. This works in my favour as I plan to have this in my film around the rich consuming the poor. Not only but it shows how the other psychological thrillers with meaning have been more watched than ones without and shows how it might get better viewing than other competition.
Once again, I was very happily surprised to see that on question six the people who took my survey like this genre as much as I do. On a rating of one to five, four people rated the genre as a five, three as a four and two as a three, no less. On average the genre scored a 4.22. I think this amazing, no genre is perfect but this high rating for the genre means it is liked a lot and will make competition better. Not only this but in reaching five out five, leaves me room to experiment a bit with the genre and what I am aiming to create.
Question seven, had a an interesting range of answers. They ranged from Jeffery Dahmer to shutter island to don't worry darling. All the show listed have good plots and twists, which is what people liked about them. They even said they like the scare that came with that movie and the lingering fear it left. Funnily enough, the most listed was cannibal films, including skin and bones and Texas chainsaw massacre. With these they said how it was the unexpectedness that came with it.
Question eight also had very similar answers to question seven, saying how they were drawn to this genre and what makes them watch them. Interestingly, someone said the aesthetics draw them to the genre, which I think is really interesting and I need to take that into consideration when creating my own. This will allow me to really get that feeling of a psychological thriller. The other answers were similar to before like being on the edge of your seat or the adrenaline you know it will give you. I know I have to include this anyway to make it apart of the genre, however, I know now to draw my audience in these things are a must and is what will really help defeat my competition.
When I asked question number nine, about gender, I wanted to prove that men and more drawn to these type of movies. The questionnaire allowed me to verify that with five men taking my survey and three women. One person did say they would prefer not to say, however, this won't affect my results to much as the gap between the two is already fairly nice. It does allow me to use the male gaze more in my film and allow me to draw them in this way as well as the goriness I plan to use.
Finally, I wanted to know if my audience usually finds themselves aligning with a character to see if I include any stereotypical characters or any character traits that will draw them in even more. However, majority (6/9) said no, so I think I would more focus on making my characters likeable so when they die it will hit closer to home.
Audience Competition:
My biggest competition with creating a psychological thriller, is the big name brands in the Hollywood movie industry. For example, if Warner Brothers released a psychological thriller around the same time mine was due to be released, I would struggle to get as many views and much of an audience due to that said big brand, who is a reliable good film source, bringing out a same genre movie. If it was a different genre, Romance, I wouldn't be impacted as bigly. It could still possibly affect my viewership, but not as drastically.
However, when I was considering how to stop this from happing and make sure that I would get the best viewership possible for a short film, I found this article talking about getting "Gen z to watch your movie". This stood out to me for the main reason of my target audience being named in the title. I decided to read the article and it gave me three new pieces of information, which should hopefully help my viewership:
Gen Z Viewership
Gen Z and entertainment costs
More flexible platforms
These three points stood out the most to me in the article,
Gen Z Viewership-
According to the article Generation Z and the Alpha generation, have shorter attention spans that previous generations. This all because of Youtube shorts, Tiktoks and Instagram reels. This was discovered by a new studio research unveiled at the recent Advertising Research Foundation OTT conference. The article stated that, "Discovery studio lot in Burbank, Calif., focused on ad-supported streaming video. Presenter after presenter emphasised the shift in viewer attention from traditional “TV” to social video and connected TV, especially among younger audiences. Equally important are the changes that forces on marketers who want to reach those audiences consistently and powerfully."
The article then goes on to talk about how just-finished research on the viewing habits of Gen Z, a cohort of some 60 million people on the cusp of adulthood who already hold a dominant position in pop culture and buying habits. They have, in many cases, been using tablets and mobile devices to explore the online world since they were toddlers. The study used a wide array of qualitative and quantitative tools, including biometric techniques and secondary data. Initially, this holds a lot of information that is quite usual for me. I know understand that by targeting this age bracket I may hold a stronger chance as my film is short and will be found on youtube to watch. It has two key things this generation can't pass on, including social media.
Gen Z and entertainment costs-
Despite their youth, Gen Z audiences already are spending $1.7 billion a year on entertainment, but not much on legacy entertainment, including movies, broadcast and cable TV. “For Generation Z, YouTube and social video is really becoming their TV,” Chien said. “It’s all about Netflix and Hulu and (Max).” "Little surprise then that the digitally native Gen Z audiences spend roughly similar amounts of time on social media, social video (YouTube and TikTok) and streaming," Chien said.
Short-form video is often the preferred way to watch entertainment, though it can also become the way studios can entice Gen Z viewers to seek out longer-form work. Realistically, this tells me that even though Gen Z attention is more suitable for short film, the use of advertising across social media will capture their attention and make them want to watch that said long form of work. This could impact my piece, however, if I used similar advertising tactics I should be able to capture their attention in a similar way.
More flexible platforms-
“The rise of social video, it’s now come on par with television for top daily activities,” said Grady Miller, the chief marketing officer of NRG. “It’s just edging out TV in terms of the daily diet. It's something we're keeping an eye on for the future.” For marketing companies in Hollywood studios, increasingly, the focus has to be on using short-form video in outlets such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Snap to help drive audiences to longer-form programming, speakers said. Going short to go long may be slightly counterintuitive, speakers suggested, but it’s about getting to the next generation of viewers where they spend a large portion of their time. With the end of the article ending like this I feel as if I have more of a chance with larger competition, it gives me much more confidence. However, this change in Hollywood movies would have to be something I loom out for in the time I am ready to release.