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Initial Ideas:

Short Film 
Initial Ideas

Short film: My first idea for my FMP is to create a short film based on a script I wrote last year. The genre of  this film is horror and the plot consists of a violent and deadly cannibal who hunts teenagers in the woods.  In more detail, There is a young girl and boy (around 17), who are taking a walk in the woods in their home town. The only catch is that everybody who has stepped foot in their this summer has disappeared. Feeling brave the two play hide and seek and it all goes wrong from their. The other part of the film is seeing small clip its of the cannibal's life but that isn't revealed to the very end of the film. 


Trailer: My second idea is to create a trailer for the first book in the Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi. In the first book we meet Juliette, who is deadly to the touch and lives in an insane asylum. She is released to Warner the leader of sector 45, who wants to use her as a weapon. After, being told this, she plans to escape with Adam, who can touch her and is a solider for Warner. They go on the run and try to escape him and his men. But he catches them, because of Kenji, Adams old friend. Warner now know's he can touch Juliette and kisses her which results him getting shot in the chest. Once again, they escape him and Kenji takes them to Omega Point, an organisation to take overall the Reestablishment. 

Music Video

Music Video: My second idea for my FMP is two create a music video for the song Alone, by Dylan. My main idea for this is to have the lyrics match up with the visual aspects. I want to start it at a party which matches the lyrics and then have it cut to them running to a car and from their just follow the song and record them on this adventure they impulsively decided to do. Further more, I would have the girl lip syncing nearly all the way through. I feel like this a idea will really portray young love and this idea of how it allows them to escape the reality's of being a teenager. 

Short Film:

Location: For the short film, I have three different locations where I would need to film: Forest, living room and kitchen. These locations will be used for different reasons and it will show what is happening in the past and present. The idea is that anything that is set in the forest has already happened and anything in the house setting is present. The forest would need to be winter or autumn, maybe even early spring but in cannot be summer, due to it needing an eerie feel. The living room has to be dark with no natural lighting, other than the bit that escapes in from behind a curtain. It has to be clean but with some messy areas that stand out. The kitchen has to be more messy than the living room but not messy to the point where it's ridiculous just simple stuff like unwashed pans, empty mug on the table, etc. The kitchen needs to look more used that the living room and has to have harsh lighting. This is because this is his forte and where the cannibalism happens. 

Costumes and Make Up: As this is on a budget my main concern for costumes for the boy and girl, is it need to consists of something red, like a t-shirt, coat or even a hat. I want this to symbolise the danger they are in and hint to the audience that something bad is about to happen. I also feel like (more the girl than the boy) they need to have an item of clothing that is white, to show their innocence throughout, how they are good people and don't deserve this fate. More over, I specifically feel that the cannibal in this story need to wear black- black shirt, black pant's, black coats. This will show that he is a bad person and the evil character in the story. Not only this but, I feel like his shoes should be red, to show that he is the walking danger and symbolise the blood he has spilled. 

For make up, I would like my characters to wear really light make up nothing to over the top just subtle, to the point you can't tell it's really there. The main make up that I will be using is fake blood. Fake blood is key for my short film as two of the characters die in brutal ways (which isn't shown) that require fake blood to really sell the story. Other than this I won't be using anything else for the make up. 

Short Film 

Media: The technology I planning on using is my GoPro and the PC with either the premiere pro software or another. This is specifically because the GoPro is easy to film on, light in hand and good quality for what I want to create. I feel like using my GoPro is going to make production go so much more smoothly and I will be able to tweak the settings in a way I understand well to make it to the best of my ability. Not only this, it is good for action shots, and with there being a running away scene and multiple scenes where we are trying to escape the man, it will allow me to get smooth footage in these particular areas. Moreover, I have gotten use to premiere pro and I have a good understanding of how it works, however, I would also to explore different options with my editing for my FMP. I feel that this software is good but isn't going to be able to complete and make it succeed with what I have in mind and another software might make it better and easier to edit. I am considering other software's due to the fact that I want to be stress when creating this piece and I don't always understand where certain things are in the app and the layout of others may be better for me, like for the colour change or the audio adding. 


S.W.O.S: My main strength for my short film will be the production part and research. There will be a lot of evidence surrounding horror films that I can take into consideration and even the research that I plan to do around the Jeffery Dahmer series will be helpful to see peoples distastes and likes. Production will be easy with the reasons stated in "Media". 

My weaknesses will most likely be my research. Even though I have listed this as a success it could be my weakness. This is because it is all typing and no practical work and I know I will find it hard to stay on track this and want to skip ahead. 

The main opportunities I get with the short film, is that I get to edit something that is the longest I ever have before and it is an area I want to explore as a career in the future. 

The main Threat I am going to face is weather. This is because half of my production is outside and if the weather isn't half decent and no rain. It will make my piece more difficult and I will have to rearrange my plan and it will affect me long term with the time frame I am. Another threat, I could possibly face is people pulling out last minute, this will cause a major hole in my production. I can easily solve these though by looking at the weather and picking extra people in case others can't make it. 




Costumes and Make Up: Due to the novel I have chosen (Dystopian) the make up would have to be very minimal and barely noticeable due to it being in a world that has been destroyed and everyone is barely getting buy. The main thing I would use the make up for is like dirt, bruises and cuts- this would also include fake blood. These specific details is what will help sell the story and show what the book is about. It will also really help give the story of Juliette, the main protagonist and stress to the audience how her life has been hard and overwhelming for her. 

Costume on the other hand, isn't my main concern. Even though the novel is after the world will live in today and more or less ruined, the characters in it wear rather simple clothes, like the ones we wear today. Th only thing that really stands out that would be an issue in this piece, is suits and combat boots. Multiple characters wear these shoes and one of the main characters is always in a suit. These specific things would help me portray the characters status, such as power and uniform to represent the soldier. It may be the most difficult due to the budget I am on. 

Location: For the trailer, location will possibly be my most difficult one to complete. This is because the book has multiple locations where key event's I would use in my trailer occur. For example, I would have to use a place where there is concrete buildings. this isn't necessarily hard to find and I could just use Manchester city centre. However, in the novel the streets are deserted and this would be my main issue finding somewhere that is quite but still has the run down look that I would need. The other locations, such as the forest, bedroom, dining room and Omega Point will be much easier to find and use. For example any simple forest will do, bedroom and dining room I already have in mind and I would use my aunties home as it is quite extravagant and perfect what I am hoping to accomplish. 

Specifically, for my trailer I need the weather to be quite gloomy and dull, due to the novel being a dystopian and the world being ruined. I feel like this will really sell that feeling of end and ruin which the book also gives. 


Media: The technology I planning on using is my GoPro and the PC with either the premiere pro software or another. This is specifically because the GoPro is easy to film on and has multiple settings which will allow me to create the dystopian look I am going for. I feel like using my GoPro is going to make production go so much more smoothly and I will be able to take into these other locations due to it's small shape and be able to get as much footage as possible. Not only this, it is good for action shots, and with there being lots of action happening with the scene and multiple scenes where they are fighting/on the run, it will allow me to get smooth footage in these particular areas. Personally, I don't feel as if Premiere Pro the right way forward for me to complete my trailer, I feel as if there is other software which will allow me to make smoother transitions for my trailer and edit the colour gradient better. I also feel that with a new software I wouldn't be afraid to experiment because I won't be as acquittance with this one and it will allow me to experiment and make my work to the best of my ability.  Further more I feel like a new software  will be better for me over all and allow me to challenge myself with my trailer.

S.W.O.S: My main strength for my Trailer will be my editing and my research. My research will all be round the book itself, what it is about key parts and readers thoughts and opinions on the novel, so I feel that tis area will be particularly easy for me to complete as long as I can find the right sources. My editing I am feeling rather confident about as I will be able to try new transitions and learn to build suspense through these and music. 

My weaknesses will most likely be my production this time round as the locations will affect weather or not production will go smoothly, however, I plan to do some scouting around and see where is un-busy and available for me. This should hopefully help me make it all much more easier.

The main opportunities I get with the Trailer, is that I get to edit something that is a new style of editing for me. Also, it plays a part of what I want to do as a career and will hopefully, help me start making more stuff like this to build a portfolio.

My main weakness this time, is people pulling out once I have started filming, recasting characters and having to start all again so it isn't confusing and easy to follow. The only way I can prevent this is by choosing people who are reliable. 


Music Video:

Costumes and Make Up: My main idea for the make up is to have it bit more glam than everyday, include a bit of glitter, eye shadow and make it look like she is as a party. This will really help create the idea that she is at a party she was looking forward too and is no longer due to it being boring and her feeling alone. This will be the only make up she wears and it won't change throughout as it is a continuous video where it shows the events in chronological time. Make up on the man will be little to none. The other guest at this party will also follow the two above. 

Costume on the other hand, will also follow the rule above. She will be in a a party dress, with doc martins and no jacket. I'm not really fussed about the colour as blue, pink, green and red could relate to the video in anyway. I purposely don't want my lead to wear a jacket because I plan on her getting the man's jacket half way though. For the costume of then man I want him dress smart but also casual, so preferably cargo's and a smart top. The other guest who we will see briefly will also be dressed like the two but just different styles and colours. Once again the colour doesn't really matter this one time. 

Location: For the Music Video, I plan on having multiple locations, this will make it quite difficult for me to complete. My main three locations will be a party, a car and outside somewhere high up. I plan to start the video at the party and only have it there for a short period of time, until the end where we cut back and she realised she dreamt it all but then t ends with them saying hi to each other for the first time. The next location, the car, will be used more than the party but by only a little. I plan to use the car to show time passing, them having fun with each and leaving the party. It will show how they urge from the escapism of an everyday teen life and want something more. The final location, will be used the most. I want it to symbolise freedom and love and joy. I will use this specific location for the majority of the video, showing them having fun, playing about and getting to know each other. One other about my locations, is that I really need the first two to be filled at night and where the last would need to be filmed at dawn/sunrise so it shows time passing and them not even realising it. 

Music Video

Media: The technology I planning on using is a XA10 and the PC with either the premiere pro software or another. Firstly the main reason why I amusing the XA10 instead of my GoPro is because when I used this for a music video I have previously created I really like the quality and the feel of it. I feel like this a only make sense to use when I have experienced using it for this particular thing before and liked it. Even though it is heavier than my GoPro I know that using this camera will be the best was to create what I want and improve this specific idea for my FMP. Moreover, I will most likely use Premiere Pro when editing my music video. This is because (once again) I already have. I know how to manoeuvre round the page and I know what I want to create is similar to what I have already created so I feel like this will give me an advantage. Not only this but I also feel that Premiere Pro will allow me too create the music video to the best of my ability and will allow me to fully have control over this project. However, I will also experiment on the other software's available as I want to be sure that Premiere Pro is the one for me. I don't want to lose out on a better opportunity with another software, so I would rather try something new and fail or find something better for me and my skills. 

S.W.O.S: My main strength for my music video will be my production and my editing Production will be my area of expertise as I already have all my shots planned out and what I want to create in full. I also have a clear aim of what I want to do and how I will complete this. Moreover, my editing will also be the same as my production I know when I will cut to the beat and the same as listed above. 

My weaknesses will most likely be my research as I am unsure on where to start with this and what I am directly looking for, which will impact my music video and my grade. Not only this but I am also unsure what research will be key in this area and what is pointless. 

The main opportunities I get with the music video is I can practise different styles of video and allow myself to learn from these. Furthermore, it will open a lot of doors for me and my future and allow me to change my mind on my career as I will have experience in these separate parts for the media.

My main weakness this time, is people pulling out or not showing. It will affect my music and could impact the day I film. This could also be affected by the weather but I was hoping that by the time I film spring will be in full action and play benefit to my part.  



Short film feedback:

Like- After I had explained my idea to the two people I was in  a group with, they said they really liked my idea of the time difference and the suspension I plan to build through it. 

Confused: The only thing they were confused on was where I was planning to film, I did state that it would be in a forest and a house but there wasn't anything specific that I had given, so I answered with my auntie's house and either Heaton park or Bogart hole clough, which are two parks near my house. Suggestion: There only suggestion is that I should aim to cut down the time a little on my (as it is reaching seven to ten minutes), they feel like I should aim five minutes as it well hep with the focus of the audience. 

Concerns: They had two concerns, weather and location. As I plan to film in a forest the weather could affect this massively and if it is raining or rained the day before it could make it more dangerous and I will have to take this into consideration during the week before to see if I will need to move my schedule around. 


Trailer feedback: 

Like: After I had explained my idea to the same two people as the first, they said they thought my idea would be fun to watch and it's a great idea. 

Confused: They were specifically confused, in what key moments from the book I would be using. I told them I would use a few parts from the very beginning, meeting the "bad" guy for the first time, her escaping on the run, the kiss and finally the ending where she meets Castle for the first time. These will allow the viewer to get an understanding of the story. 

Suggestions: They suggested that I could use change in colour to help get that dystopian feel, use fast cuts and intense music. All of these I was planning on doing but hearing of it other people really helped inspire me with what I would use specifically. 

Concerns: They was concerned about what our Tutors had previously said about trailers. They had mentioned how they are extremely hard and would advise against it. They also said that this would require a lot of footage and multiple locations. 


Music video feedback: 

Like: Once again, after I had explained my third idea I got feedback from the same two people, they said they really liked how I am planning to match the lyrics with the visual and how this would have a cool affect on the audience.  

Confused: They wanted to know if I was going to use any talking in my music video and what shot types. I replied with yes and that I am planning on doing it at the end of the video after she's realised it hasn't happened and she imagined it and then she says hi to him. Shot types will be long shots, close ups, wide shots and more. These will help me sell the story. 

Suggestions: There suggestions were around the beginning of the piece and hoe I should make sure to include party stuff, such as red cups, flashing lights, people all round. 

Concerns: They was concerned about the Location and weather. They was worried I wouldn't be able to get to these certain places this late at night and early morning, further more they said weather could make a few scene dangerous and risky to film, so I would have decide on the night before or even a few hours before. 


Overall, they liked my short film idea best and said that I had the added bonus of already having the script wrote out. They thought that this idea was very original and would put me out of my comfort zone, plus I would get to try something I haven't made before. 

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