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Camera Shots:

Cinematography is a moving image and how it is shot. The five factors that make up cinematography included: Camera, Sound, Editing, Mise-en-scene and lighting. It creates mood, tension and shows and represents emotions. 



  • Closed frame - screen filled 

  • Open frame - empty space


Composition: ​

  • Background and foreground 

  • Depth of field 


Shot types and Camera Angles:​


Close up is a shot which captures the person or object on a large scale.


Long shots typically show the whole of a character or object and usually have some specific relation to its surroundings. 


Canted angle is where the camera is positioned on an angle to create a tilted frame affect. 


Two shots is where there is two subjects in a shot. They don't have to be near each other and can be in the foreground or background. 


Extreme close up is a more intense version of a close up, simply showing one part of something like an eye.


High angle is where the camera is positioned above a subject and looking down at them.


Low angle is where the camera is positioned below a subject and looking up at them. 


Establishing shot shows the context for a scene by showing the relationship between the characters and objects or to show the setting of a scene. 

Sequence Analysis: The Pope's Exorcist  

Mise-en-scene: setting the stage, in the scene. It contributes to meaning within a film and signals how the spectator should feel. The five factors that make up Mise-en-scene include of: Setting and props, Lighting and colour, Facial expressions and body language, Costume and hair and make up, Positioning of characters and objects within the frame. 


Lighting and colour: 

  • First thing a spectator notices

  • High key lighting and low key lighting 

  • High contrast lighting and conventional lighting 


Facial expressions and body language: ​

  • Sets mood for scene 

  • Shows whats happening 


Costume and make up and hair:​

  • Tells us when the film is set 

  • Shows the character state of mind 

  • Status of the character 

In a sequence analysis there is a lots of stuff a spectator needs to look out for that adds to the plot and suspense for the scene. These include of: Setting and props, lighting and colour, facial expressions and body language, costume, hair and make up, positioning of characters and objects within the frame. 

popes exorcist one.PNG
popes exorcist four.PNG

Lighting and Colour:

Looking more closely at how the Pope is lit when he first appears on camera (with the candle/small light), we could interpret that he is the protagonist in this story and hence the reason we are watching him from the bushes. It could also show that he is the good guy/hero is this story as he is surrounded darkness and he is the only thing has a light. Jumping forward lighting and colour are used again when the Pope is in the possessed man's bed room. they are both in the same shot but the lighting is different for both of them. The pope is in a golden brown light, where as the other man is a in a sickly green light. This can show the good and the bad in this situation and as the spectator who we should be rooting for. 

Setting and Props: 

At the very beginning to the open sequence of the Pope's exorcist. We start with a cut from black highlighting a man on a bike surrounded by nature, We can't see the man only his silhouette due to the prop of the dimly lit light/candle that is on his bike. The use of night is a typical horror convention which highlights what the genre of this movie is. The nature in this sequence can represent freedom and the fact he his riding away from it can signify the danger he is heading towards. However, nature at night can represent the mystery and unknown element of a horror. Shortly after, we get a shot-reverse-shot of the mans bag and the mans back and then back to the bag. The focus on the bag in this part shows it has meaning and most likely will contain something important that is needed in the film. It also creates suspense due to the mystery around it. another thing in the sequence that is worth a note, once we are in the home the Pope has come to help we can notice the place is filled with red props scattered around this highlights the danger of the scene. 

popes exorcist three.PNG

Body Language and facial expressions:

Once the Pope enters the room we get a zoom in and a close up of his face, one identifying the main character and two showing how he is really feeling within this scene,  concerned but confident. Following this we get a middle shot, adding to the thought that he is concerned by showing his tense body language. To end this sequence we get a close up on the characters faces showing their fear and anxiety whilst the Pope is performing the exorcist, once again showing the fear they all hold about the unknown and spirits. 

popes exorcist six.PNG

Costume, Hair and make up:

When we first see the Pope he is dressed in all back, which could hint that he is the bad guy within this film. However, it is his religious work clothes so it instead portrays him as the saviour in the film. looking ta the other characters clothes we get a sense they are from a poorer background due to the dirt stains. when looking at the Possessed man, he is wearing a green shift which can isgniy6 his sickness. this can be backed up by his make up and hair within this scene. he has blood shot eyes, pale clammy skin and messy hair. 

popes exorcist two.PNG
popes exorcist five.PNG

Positioning of characters and objects within a frame:

At the beginning of the sequence the camera is placed in the bushes and we watch the Pope ride by, this gives the spectator the feeling that we are spying on this man and intruding on him. the camera follows the man using a tracking shot, it makes us feel like we are was again invading his privacy but it also makes u feel apart of the film. Following this, we get a low angle of the Pope showing he has the power within this scene and over the other characters. more over, when all the characters are around the table we get a slow zoom away on their backs. to show that they need privacy during this hard time and giving them a moment while suspense is created. Within the first five minutes we also get introduced to the depth of filed using a pull focus shot to show the silver coin the Pope is holding, drawing the spectators attention towards it and foreshadowing it' has purpose. 

Camera Movements: 


Pull focus-

A two person shot, where one is in focus and the other is not. It is used to create meaning by showing who is the character of we need to focus on within this scene.


Tracking shot- 

The camera physically moves sideways, forward or backwards within a scene. It brings the spectator along with the character, giving them a POV experience.


Panning shot- 

The camera moves in a horizontal movement, sweeping left or right, while it remains in a fixed location. Its purpose is to allow the spectator to see more of the setting within the video/film.


Dolly zoom-  

The videographer moves towards or away from the subject, whilst zooming in the opposite direction from the way they walked. it creates a sense of unease within the scene and it either shrinks or extends distances.  


Tilt shot- 

The camera moves in a vertical movement, whilst fixed in a location. They are useful for establishing shots that have tall scenery and also useful when introducing a character with dramatic affect. 


Continuity Editing: 

Continuity editing is the most common form of editing. With this style of editing spectator shouldn't be able to focus on the cuts and it should be realistic. 

180 degree rule: 

The camera can't move more than 180 degrees around a character. 


30 degree rule:

In a sequence of shots of the same person or object the camera should move at least 30 degrees. 



The camera cuts between two people or objects and back again within a scene.

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cutaway 4.PNG

Cut away:

Where the camera cuts to something relevant that isn't with in the scene.


Match on action rule: 

This is used to make shots appear seamless, the viewer shouldn't notice the cuts.


Eye Line match:

We want to see what the character is seeing, The camera replicates their eyeline.

Genre and Genre Conventions:

Genre- Category's with recurring elements. 

Subgenre- A more specific category within a genre.

 Hybrid- The mixing of two/three genres. 

Genre signifiers- Recurring elements or themes. 

The Walking dead trailer, season two:

Genre- Horror 

Subgenre- Apocalypse


Theme- In the trailer for The Walking Dead season 2, we can interpret that the main theme for this season is survival. They are fighting for their lives in the trailer and doing anything in their power to not be bitten/eaten by the zombies. 



  • Themes

  • Iconography

  • Typical situations

  • Style

  • Setting 

  • Stock characters 


Iconography- The trailer also allows us to see props and costumes that are typical in an apocalypse style horror. They have make shift weapons and normal ones, that are more likely to be used in other subgenres as well. (Guns, crossbows, bats, knives, axes, etc). The costumes on the other hand, are covered in dirt and the make up have a similar style, showing the run down way that they live once the world began to end. 


Typical situations- Even in the trailer we can see the typical situations you get in a horror, there is a damsel in distress, people turning against the leader, an ambush and the group splitting up. These are key conventions that are in nearly every horror film, purely as they create suspense. 


Style- Just from the trailer we can see how the lighting within this season is very naturalistic due to it being a dystopian and meant to be realistic. There is long takes but fast cuts when the horror kicks in. There is suspense and tension created through the music. 


Setting: The setting in the trailer is very typical for an apocalypse style horror. There is run down buildings, broken cars and vehicles, closed highways and dead animals and humans scattered everywhere. It plays into the gruesome sides of horror and the entrapment of the characters. 


Stock Characters- In the trailer, we can easily interpret who the stock characters are, due to positioning and the role they play. We have the hero who tries to protect everyone, the guy who goes rouge, the odd ball, the girl who tries to prove she doesn't need help, the smart old guy, the damsel and even the bad guys (the zombies). 

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The Walking Dead S2 two.PNG
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