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What is a Podcast?:

A podcast is a piece of audio entertainment where they have discussions or tell stories. It isn't aired so you can access it whenever as it is released in an episodic format. 


Podcast Format's: 

  • Interview - Where a host talks to a new guest each episode. 

  • Solo commentary - One person, who tells a story or makes an argument, etc. 

  • Panel - It's similar to an interview just contains more guest. (Feels like a conversation between friends). 

  • Conversational - Two people talking who have great chemistry. 

  • Repurposed content - Recycling a piece of content. 

  • Non-fictional storytelling - A real story told over one episode or over multiple. 

  • Fictional storytelling - A made up story told over one episode or over multiple.


Theorist- Blumler and Katz: 

Theory of Uses and Gratification 1947. 

Blumler and Katz argued that people could use the same communication message for different purposes. 


  • Information - Gain and develop information 

  • Personal identity - Relate on a personal level and see yourself within. 

  • Social interaction - Talk with others, feel included and allows us to engage. 

  • Escapism - "Switch off" and feel included in the show. 


Genre, Frequency & Form and Structure: 

Genre's: A podcast genre is the theme for a podcast. 


When conducting a small research on which genre of Podcast was most popular, I found that the top three were: True crime, personal development and spiritual. I believe true crime is up there as one of the most popular due to the fact that it forces the listener to listen and solve the mystery by linking clues together before the end of the episode/season. However, I think that personal development podcast can give true crime for it's money as many people search for meaning and contentment and also find other people who relate to this. Not forgetting about spiritual podcasting, it is easier for someone to access if they have a busy schedule but want to stay in touch with God. 


Types of genre's- 


  • Advice and Self-Care - Ten percent happier, Not another anxiety show 

  • Audio Dramas - Alice isn't dead, Welcome to the night vale 

  • Environment/Science - Radiolab, Brains on!

  • Sports - The rest is football, The good, the bad & the rugby 

  • Technology - a16z, Back to work 

  • Religious - Super soul, Made for this 

  • Pop culture - Pop culture happy hour, The read 

  • Comedy - My dad wrote a porno, Trashy divorces




Frequency and Form: 

A podcast can differ from being a limited or continuity series'. For example it can be 10 episodes or multiple series with a set number of episodes. Frequency and form can also be affected by how regular the host puts out a podcast (Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc). Not only this but each episode in a podcast should follow a different topic and should follow on from the last one. So, if you were to end an episode on a cliff hanger you couldn't start a new episode without addressing it. 



3 Act Structure-

Act one- 

It should include of a long introduction for the main theme. The character should be introduced and the background information for the podcast should be told. Finally the incident should be incited. 

Act two- 

The problem should be addressed and attempts should be made to resolve this situation. 

Act three- 

Finally, the end challenge presents itself and there is a resolution.  


The most basic structure for a podcast is: Intro, Body, Outro, Call to action. 


INTRO (The Promise): 

A simple description of what the podcast episode is about, who is hosting and what you are talking about. The intro has three parts to it: Musical intro, introduction and the promise. 

The musical intro grabs the attention of the listener that the episode is about to start, it has to be catchy and memorable so that the listener feels the need to come back. 

The introduction welcomes your audience into the episode, introduces who is there and what the episode is called. 

The promise is slightly like the introduction, however, instead you are just explaining what your episode is about and what you will be discussing. 


BODY (The Story):

This is the main portion of your podcast and simply what you spoke about in your introduction. 


OUTRO (The Resolution): 

This simply a summary of the episode and sometimes a small preview for the next to make them curious and want to come back.

The outro must reach closure and satisfaction, you must make sure you have delivered the promise. By talking about all the themes, you are making sure you are reaching a point and reaching a conclusion. 



Once again this is simply asking the listeners to react to the podcast (like, comment, subscribe). 

What it could include?:

  • Subscribe 

  • Check out show notes 

  • Like 

  • Review 

  • Etc


Codes and Conventions: 

Codes and Conventions: 

  • Interviews - In person or over the phone 

  • Mode of Address - Use of language and linguistics 

  • Archive Audio - Clippings from Tv, previous broadcast, police interviews, etc. 

  • Intro and Outro - Overview and round up 

  • Field Recordings - Natural sounds when recording away from set up

  • Call to action - Like and subscribe 

  • Music - Opening soundtrack or in the background 

  • Sound FX - Additional sounds for context or effects 


These codes and conventions are used in podcast's to enhance the listeners experience. It can also help signify the genre and show what type of format the podcast is recorded in. The codes and conventions helps the listeners with being able to stay focus during the podcast and it also helps them signify what type of podcast they are listening too (genre, format, Blumler and Katz theory).


Investigation- Help I sexted my boss:

When listening to the podcast straight away I noticed that it's format was a conversational one. I also noticed that the two men, William Hanson and Jordan North, have amazing chemistry between each other, which is key with this type of format of the podcast. In this specific type of episode (Help There's A Spaniel's Ear In The Pool) there aren't too many codes and conventions being used in this episode. They have their intro, which starts by welcoming us to the podcast and than followed in by their upbeat theme tune. The music/intro goes over as they start to give a brief introduction on what the podcast is about, who they are and what they are going to talk about today. The episode then ended with a call to action, asking the viewers to like and subscribe and to write their stories into the podcast. It is then played out with the same music from the intro. Another code and convention I picked up on was mode of address. The use of language shows how you can be open through the podcast and not have to feel embarrassed with certain things, this is all down to how the host talks to one another. The podcast is a perfect example for users and gratification theory, it gives the listener information, personal identity, social interaction and Escapism. The listeners relate to the stuff they are talking about on their podcast, they also find it easy to interact with others through it and it also has comedic undertones creating that escapism. Not to mention the information and help they get from sending in their stories or just listening to other peoples. 


Podcast Analysis: Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding?


Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding?: 


Overview- "A true story involving two brides and one turd. What do you do if someone defecates on the floor at your wedding? Re-evaluate your friends and family? No, you launch an investigation to find who did it. Join the brides, Helen Mclaughlin and Karen Whitehouse, and the extremely under-qualified “Detective” Lauren Kilby, as they interrogate wedding guests, hook bridesmaids up to polygraph machines and speak with top forensic experts in an attempt to crack the case. Because crime is not a laughing matter. Well, maybe except for this one." - Apple Podcast


In the episode, Three nuggets, The two brides and the detective do an interview to find out more about the poo that was found at the wedding. They use a lie detector test, that they hook up to the bridesmaid/key witness Emma. It gives them something more than they bargained for. 

Genre- Comedy, "True Crime". 

Format- Panel

Frequency and Format- 13 episode, single series. 



Straight away they use codes and conventions within their podcast, the first one being interviews. For this particular podcast this factor adds a sense of laughter due to the topic of conversation being how they discovered the poo at the wedding. It also gives us more information to what we are dealing with within this episode and story over all. A little into this episode we get the use of Call to action. The detective says we can found her detective database on their Instagram channel. This is effective due to the fact that it makes you curious to check it out and also helps them expand their following. When they first introduced Emma into the podcast, they used field recordings. They use street sounds in the back as they open the door to say hi to her and the ringing of a doorbell. This is effective because it helps us visualise what is happening within this podcast. More over they also use sound FX within their podcast to help add tension to a certain part of to make the listener laugh. Not only this but they also use music throughout to help break up the podcast or to show where there moving onto the next part. Their intro and outro are the same, which helps to make them stand out and be remembered between other podcasts. Finally, the use of mode of address allows us as the audience to feel involved in this investigation. I would say that the structure of the podcast is a very typical structure I feel as if it has an Opening, Body, Ending, Call to action. So within the first part, the opening, The detective introduces what the episode is about and what they hope to find out in this episode. They introduce the person they will be interviewing and then from there, we start the body of the podcast. Within the body we do the full interview and the lie detector test. Shortly after this we go into the ending where they do a quick introduction of the forensic scientist and a few words from him. To then end with a flash through of what the next episode is about. 



In my personal opinion, I loved the podcast, I thought it was easy to listen to, funny and overall a perfect blend of personalities to make this genius true crime podcast up. I really liked, how you can tell they are all friends and how it is just easy to listen too. It makes me laugh and it's overall a great idea. However, I didn't like how sometimes you can get a little lost on what they are saying and they often repeat themselves. I think it would make it better if they use some archive footage to give a bigger sense of realism. I have learnt that the use of codes and conventions are important and the more you use makes your podcast more interesting and reliable. 

Podcast Analysis: My Dad Wrote a Porno

Overview: "Imagine if your Dad wrote a dirty book. Most people would try to ignore it and pretend it had never happened - but not Jamie Morton. Instead, he's decided to read it to the world in this award-winning comedy podcast. With the help of his friends, James Cooper and Alice Levine, Jamie will be reading a chapter each episode and discovering more about his father than he ever bargained for." - Spotify


In the episode, The Job Interview, we meet the heroine of the fathers porno, and she interviews for the job of her dreams. The three friends read and discuss the novel. 



Genre: Comedy, Story 

Format: Fictional Storytelling  and conversational

Frequency and Format: 13 episode + Bonus, Weekly, multiple series.



Straight into the podcast we have the intro (which is the same as the outro). It allows them to stand out and be recognised by listeners, even making them want to come back for more if they can't get the tune out of their head. The use of mode address, really captivates the listener especially as it's a story it also feels like they talk about everything your thinking, leaving nothing unanswered. During the podcast we have the use of music to help break it up and create a new topic of conversations. Somewhere along the way they use a call to action, saying you can buy the book now and where you can. Once again, I think it's the typical structure for a podcast, Opening, Body, Ending, Call to Action. within the opening we get a brief introduction to the host and an explanation of what the podcast is about. Following this we get the intro. The body is chapter one of the novel, while the host sit and talk about it, throughout. Following this, is the ending they keep short and talk about the next episode, following this is there call to action where they briefly mention the book and to buy so we can follow along while they read it next week.  



In my personal opinion, I really enjoyed the podcast, it was funny, easy to listen to and overall once again a good combination of personalities to help carry the episode through. I really liked how it was personal to them but they also weren't afraid to make fun of it and make an opinion on what they were being told. I didn't like how it was sometimes hard to follow from the other commenting a lot one what they thought, even though this was funny and interesting it also made it difficult to focus. I have learnt that the key thing is to show your opinion and be willing to share it, even make fun of it. 


Both the podcasts which I analysed are under the genre of comedy. However, the formats are different, one is conversational and the other is panel. This changes the style as the use of interviews, archive audios and field recordings, make a difference and makes one more realistic and the other a friendly conversation. A lot of the codes and conventions are the same in these two podcasts and they are arguably used for the same reasons, to increase viewers enjoyment. I believe the codes and conventions are the same due to the fact that their genre is the same. They allow the audience to follow along easier as well as making them feeling involved. Listening to both has taught me that the easiest format may as well be the best due to the fact it has a steady flow and it allows you to not to miss anything you want to include in your podcast. What I have learned and will use when planning and creating my podcast is that codes and conventions are important and help you tell the story, not only this but the more you use depend on the format of your podcast.


Interactive Media:

What is in Interactive Media?:

Interactive media is a method of communication. The output of a programme depends on the users input. It also allows people to connect with others, whether that is people or organizations. It makes them active participants in the media they consume through: text, graphic, sound and/or video. 


For something to be interactive media it has to include (at least two of)  these specific elements: 

  • Moving image and graphics 

  • Animations 

  • Digital text 

  • Video 

  • Audio 

The History of Interactive Media: 

  • Social media, virtual reality and all apps are types of interactive media. 

  • The most common non-interactive media is Radio and TV. However, even these (thanks to technology) know have forms of interactive media - smart TV's and the Red Button. 

  • Interactive media arose through the internet revolution of the 1990's. It improved technology, such as smartphones,  and media. 


Examples of Interactive Media: 

  • Websites

  • Interactive television - Bandersnatch, Netflix, etc

  • Gaming 

  • Interactive advertising

  • Apps - Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc 

  • Virtual Reality


What are the benefits of interactive media?: 

There a lot of benefits for interactive media, which affect the company of the product and the consumer. First up it provides a lot of information in once place, this can be useful as it saves someone's time with looking around for hours on end for it. It can also allow development on a product dur to user interaction and some interaction even creates new context. Following on from this, it creates a sense of connectivity with a person and a brand due to the fact that they are being heard with what they would prefer in a product. It also pushes the dialogic form of communication. Finally, it pushes the user to spend time with their product and more time connecting with it. This way they get higher ratings are more people will be more likely to use it. 

Elements of a Website: 

Websites have many key elements but the most common and arguably the most important are: the header, main context centre, navigation bar and even a footer. Some of the listed are even interactive, making it easy for people using the website to move round and find what they are looking for easier. A header is important due to the fact that it tells you what the website is and what you will find on this page. Under this is the navigation bar and that holds the different pages and tells you what you will find when yo click on that page, making it easier to navigate and you wont end up spending hours trying to find what your looking for. The main context centre, is arguably the most important page on a website due to the fact that it holds all the information and images making it easier to get a better understanding of what they are talking about. Finally the footer, it is really useful for users who haven't been able to find what they are looking for as it could help the users further and prevents them not returning to your website. 



Navigation Bar

Main Context 




It allows you to introduce your branding and and send out a message 

It allows you to create certain conditions to trigger reactions.

It typical contains a copyright notice, privacy policy, contact information. etc. 

Helps an organisation to identify it's products, uniform, etc

It allows to aid visitors to access and gain information without having to search to long for it. 

It holds all the main information and images to help users understand better

Analysis: Who Shat on the Floor at my Wedding?

On the website of Who Shat on the Floor of my Wedding, it has a simple layout, with bits of information organised soundly around it. The website has bits of information, telling you what the podcast is about and quotes of what other people have said about it. This allows you to get a better understanding and a feel of what the podcast is like and other people's views on it. It's a useful way to draw people in and make them want more. 

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Furthermore, the website has also included interactive elements for the users to move round the website and find what they are looking for. For example at the top of the page there is a navigation bar which helps you manoeuvre the website and links to their instagram page and contact details. This is useful as it allows you to find what your looking for with ease. They also have a listen now section, which underneath have hyper link buttons, which will direct you to where you can listen to the podcast. It is practical as it encourage the user to dive right in and begin listening. moreover, they also have a latest episodes and follow the investigation, wear if they click on the episode of choice it will direct the to a place where they can listen to that specific episode. 

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The use of the interactive elements, encourage you to listen now to the podcast right then and there. Each interactive element at least leads to one link that allows you to start listening, even the instagram link). However, it doesn't come as pushy but as encouraging. It makes the elements appealing as it is displayed nicely and not all squashed together. The layout it self is appealing and makes you want to look at the whole website to be able to explore it properly. 

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Analysis: Help I Sexted my Boss:

On the website of Help I Sexted my Boss, it has a simple but more furrow layout, with lots of information organised soundly around it. The website has information telling you what there podcast is about, who the host are, about their newsletter, there live shows, and even there book /merch. There website makes you want to watch the podcast as you can see how big it has gotten due to all the extra stuff they have to offer, creating the idea that it's good and even captivating

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Furthermore, the website has also included interactive elements for the users to move round the website and find what they are looking for. At the very top of the page, there is the navigation bar, it is organised with everything the website offers + more. Even on the home page it has two interactive hyper link buttons that allow you to listen to the podcast and the highlights. This straight away draws in the viewer and makes them want to listen to the podcast and even buy the stuff they are offering. Moreover, the newsletter page as well as the contact page, have an interactive element of putting your email in and submitting to join so you can contact or join the letter.  This is effective as it helps the listener/viewer feel more involved and bring them back for more. Live, Book and Merch- are ways of promoting their brand and each one has the interactive element of buying the items. It helps the viewer find the items more easy and helps promote their brand through the podcast. Finally, the more button is away for them to get on a more personal level with the viewers and show podcast they recommend, it is interactive as you can click on it and it will take you to that podcast. 

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The use of the interactive elements, encourage you to listen now to the podcast right then and there and to buy there items which are promoting it. Each interactive promotes their podcast and in a way makes you want to listen to it, even without plastering the link all over. It makes the elements appealing as it is displayed nicely and not all squashed together. The layout it self is appealing and makes you want to look at the whole website to be able to explore it properly and find what it has to offer. 

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These podcast aren't same genre, so straight away we have a difference in how the interactive elements work. For example with WSOTFAMW, it is comedy, true crime so their links are there only to help promote the listening of the podcast and make the users more drawn in. Where as HISMB, is a help and self care podcast, so it has a brad to promote and make people who listen want to buy. So the links on one lead to the podcast, where the other leads to there shop. The basic interactive are included in both: Navigation Bar, Link to Episodes, Contact and Social media. Yet, HISMB goes the extra mile and has hyperlink buttons to the merch, book, the tour. Once again, I believe this is because of it's genre and I also believe the format and frequency of the podcast played into this as the length of the two differs (one is a limited series and the other multiple), this means that one had much longer to promote their brand get it to the point of merch. Looking closer at their content, usability and aesthetics, they have some major difference and similarities. They both advertise their podcast in some way or another and have links directing to it and for both these can be found on the website. They both offer ways for them to contact them if needed. For content it's more or less the same talking about what the podcast is about and the host, but they both don't really go past that, as the rest is promoting. They both are easily navigable and accessible. You can move round both sites through the navigation bar, which makes it super easy. The main difference in the sites is the aesthetics. WSOTFAMW, has a three page navigation bar, which is all located on one page, underneath each other. HISMB, is generally located on different pages and has a seven page navigation bar. The next big thing is colour, both websites use the colour used in their cover art, throughout. So one is a bright yellow and the other a bloody red. Both of these, a matched with colours that go with them so like black for the first and white for the second. 

Finally, I plan to use interactive media to navigate my website, show multiple images in one section, for contact information and links to websites where I got the sources from. 

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