Creative Media, Production and Technology
Music Video:
What is a music video?:
A music video is a short film. The song acts as a soundtrack and accompanies a songs release.
The style of music video can be affected by: the genre, record label, artist style and the budget.
Music videos can be used for multiple reasons:
Create hype
Raise the artist profile
Make social, cultural and political statements
Establish/evolve branding ​
Music videos can become big if they are either, Popular, Innovative or Controversial. For example, Madonna's "Like a prayer" and Childish Gambino's "This is America" are both controversial as Madonna's has satanic imagery and skimpy clothes and dancing and Childish Gambino's is dancing around and singing while in the back there is murder, police brutality and other violent acts. Michael Jackson music video for "Thriller" was popular as it was fun and creative. Finally, A-ha's "Take on me" is Innovative as at this moment in music video history editing had been done like this before, especially not with drawings.
Era of Music Videos and Revenue:
Before the 1980's music videos were quite uncommon. In 1981, MTV was launched an it became a global platform for people to watch and consume videos. It also added and created a visual element for music, which also created some excitement due to commodities, controversy and new technology.
Some artists simply stood in front of a white screen and sang, whilst others played around with the newest technology. Some even acted out elaborated stories, treating it as a short film. This is why 80's music videos are so magical because of the wide range they had even this early in time.
Even in the 80's, music videos were controversial. Some music videos included stuff like: satanic imagery, body shaming, sexualization, encouraging crime, confused sexuality and even inappropriate viewing for kids. some of these stuff might not seem as controversial now but back in the 80's this was a massive deal. MTV even refused to show some until changes had been made to their satisfaction.
The Modern Era:
Consumption Changes - Within the modern music video era, consumption is more accessible, portable, convenience and better cost.
Devices and Platforms - Audience can access the music through apps now and the audience is in control.
Social media and the Internet - You don't have to wait for music videos or celebrity appearances. It builds a stronger fan and artist relationship. It also creates more advertisement, branding and profit. It can also help rebrand an artist and their style.
As opposing from the 1980's artists have more control and can use their videos to make social and political statements which can gain more views and controversy through social media. This can reach new audience for the wrong reasons and get the artist more attention. Not only this but music videos are now unrestricted by television rules. So artists can make as many videos as they like and as long or short as they like. However, as music videos can now be made by anyone, studios are increasing their budgets. This means their videos stand apart due to the more artistic and innovative look they have. A videos only restriction is it's budget.
Generating Revenue:
Adverts, Views and Vevo-
More views automatically means more money. The revenue that generates off adverts on You-tube/Vevo can be split and the artist can get an proportion.
Vevo specifically is a way of allowing fans to view music and they still make money. It's a way of combatting piracy and it was founded by You-tube and major record labels.
It gives an audience, as those who has donated will be able to watch. It is mostly associated with upcoming, newer artist.
Product Placement/Sponsorship:
Companies and people can pay to be featured in a music video. This also means that it can reach the demographic audience or even new audiences. It can also use celebrity endorsement.
Record Labels:
In the music video industry there are three different types of record labels:
Self Produced (Artist)
When record labels realised that their outlay of money would provide an increase in profit, they were more than willing to splash a bit of cash to make a video.
How can a record label affect the music video?:
A major record label has a larger budget and has an expectation of commercial success. It is more to shock the audience and it must have a high concept. This can be done through marketing and social media. People must interact with it. They have more connections to resources, talent and finances. However, even though they have access to newer technology and more money, the artists themselves have less creative control as they have to appease the record label.
An indie record label has a smaller budget than a major. Even though the artist has more creative freedom than the major record label artists they also have to please their bosses and make money for them. They will use less mainstream techniques to raise profiles due to the lower budget. They have to be able to shock their audiences, have access to new technology and their work needs to include political statements.
Self Produced:
A self produced record label has a very small budget, which the artists can set. The artist has full creative freedom and full autonomy. Another benefit is that you have a frequent use of new talent or those working outside of the mainstream. However, a big negative is the lackof resources and financial support you could get with an indie or major record label.
Analysing and Comparing:
Music videos can have different looks due to their record label. For example the song, Black magic by little mix (major), clearly has had a lot more time and money spent on it than the song, Can we dance by the vamps (indie). Black magic had brand endorsements, such as beats, which straight away shows the connections they had through the label. Not only this but we can see that little mix's video has access to newer technology and resources due to the special effects that were used. Looking closer at The vamps's video, they use a performance and narrative approach and most likely used crowd funding to achieve this, as it was their first released song, meaning they probably didn't have that large of a following yet and would struggle more than a major record label song would. Due to the fact that the vamps song is with an indie record label they have to show a type of political statement to capture attention. With this song the vamps show a rebellion side and for when the song is set it fits perfectly with what a teenager would do at this moment in time. However, the gender roles also play a part in this as well as the female gaze and male gaze. Girls would admire them for this bad boy's behaviour, where boys would want to be them. Going back to Black magic, their message behind the song is to empower women and teach them to stand up for themselves. Once again, the same idea of male and female gaze can be placed with this video. As girls want to be them and boys would admire them. Finally, the Black magic music video uses slow motion a lot and they lip sync all the way through, whereas the Vamps music video only lip syncs through the performance part and we can see them trying to clean up their mess. This is not really unsurprising for each of these record labels.
Music Video as a Statement:
Music video's can be a political, social and/or cultural statement, through the lyrics or visual aspects. It can spread to a wide audience and show it's meaning creating controversy through their social and cultural relevance. Childish Gambino's music video, for this is America, makes a statement. The music video shows, riots, murder, police brutality in the background as Gambino just dance's to the lyric of the song. The whole purpose of the song and the video combined is to show the reality people are living in. It is deemed as controversial due to the visualisation.
The music has a very large political statement- it has everything to do with the black lives matter movement, even reflecting the ongoing systemic racism. Even highlights, school shootings, law enforcement and gun violence. All key things that the government has done nothing to prevent and even stop. It's also heavily significant as at the time Donald Trump was in power. The music can be seen as mocking the government as they still haven't done anything, even going as far to say that they are like Childish Gambino dancing and turning a blind eye, being apart of it but not stopping it.
The music has a big social statement as well- it highlights how the people also have the power to stop this abuse and violence but yet they just turn a blind eye or apart of the issue. Also is show's how the people could change and the country could change due to who they vote in and this again plays into how Trump was in control when the video was released.
The music is full of cultural statement's. The main one being, how a society due to culture can ignore all the violence going on due to the entertainment provided by black celebrities. It also sends a message about how black lives are devalued in that culture.
This is evil garbage. Look at this eyes, he’s possessed or he’s being himself. The need to promote violence and thirst for blood. Also, this is propaganda against the second amendment. - CAMILIASWEETLIPZ
#ThisIsAmerica it’s no wonder these kids are losing it in our country when all they see is negative crap & these are the sell out idiots they have to look up to. SMH That's not even rap in my book its propaganda’s talent & real musicians - AMERICANPATRIOT
Soooo… we put the wrong Donald in office - CESAR
Wow Childish Gambino @donaldglover‘s new video is definitely going to piss some people off but I loved it - CESAR
Me when I realized that Gambino’s dance moves distracted me from all the craziness happening in the background and that’s exactly the point he’s trying to make… - CLAUDIA GONZALES
Music Video as a Art:
There has always been an argument weather music video's are an art or not. Some people say they aren't possible to be an art as they aren't in the shape of a sculpture, a painting or a photo. Other disagree and say it is a form of art as it includes creative's and people who design backgrounds, costumes and even faces (and much more).
People like to argue that music videos aren't a form due to their easy availability and similar in style to each other. However, others argue that they have the potential to be eye-catching, unique and can tell a great story.
In my opinion I believe music videos are an form, as they require imagination and they have to design it and put that idea into motion, just like a painter or photographer. It requires skill and patience just the ones listed above. I would also argue that it is such a high form of art as it requires so many people to bring it together and complete the finished product. I also believe it requires such a skill that someone who can paint would even struggle with it as not only do they have to make a page sketched out to what they imagine they have to make multiple to be able to explain what each shot would look like.
Videos need to succinctly express the artist’s unique visual style to appeal to fans and differentiate them from other performers. I therefore think that music videos can be considered a form of art, especially a form of modern art. Many music videos use elements of post-modernism, like pastiche, bricolage and homage. - izzithorneycroft
It has become more than just a part of our consumption of music, art and entertainment but a tool that’s used to add another dimension to projects. With different elements of animation, design and effects we are able to spend a few moments in a world the artist has created, where the story told becomes more than something we listen to but a moving concept. - Blessing Borode.
Stylistic Codes and Techniques:
The five main stylistic codes for a music video are: Performance, Narrative, Concept, Illustrative and Animated. This is because, in most cases, music video's will use either one on its own or as many as possible. As long as they all work together well in a large group and the music video makes sense, there isn't anything wrong in it.
Performance- A solo artist or a band performing to an audience/camera.
Narrative- The video is story driven.
Concept- No correlation to the lyrics or a storyline, usually, the artist's vision.
Animation- Use of Visual effects.
Illustrative- Lyrics match the story
What techniques and conventions do music videos use?:
Cutting to the beat- Edits are made on the beats of the song.
Lip syncing- The artist sings along to the song, constantly or partly.
Chroma key- Green screen usage.
Split screen- Multiple images on the screen at the same time.
Camera angles and movement- Use of technical codes to create meaning.
Special effects- Use of pratical effects that are applied on set.
Extending or consolidating the songs meaning- Give more information and understanding.
Live footage- The video features clips from a live performance.
Imagine Dragons, Thunder:
Straight away in the music video for Thunder, we get lip syncing, it adds a performance feel to it like we get to watch the singer sing it, instead of just listening to it. Shortly after this we get the use of Chroma Key, which gives the location which is needed/wanted without having to pay loads to shut a street down. After watching a bit more of the music video, I was able to notice that it was cutting to a beat, this really was nice on a satisfactory level and it makes the edit seem more seamless. Once a few of the characters have been introduced we can see some special effects by the use of make up. A few characters have wild and makeup, which can only be achieved by hours of sitting a chair and a small helping hand from special effects to really achieve the image they wanted to create. You also get a range of camera angles, ranging from low angles, canted angles, close ups, wide shots, etc. However, the music video doesn't really have much to do with what the song is saying, other than having a hidden meaning of people being different and either ignored by society or being picked on. It doesn't say this directly but you can infer it through the lyrics and the characters you meet in the video. One thing we don't get in the video is live performance. However, this understandable as it doesn't really match the theme of the video and would probably have ruined it's message.
Eminem, Stan:
Once again, more or less straight into the music video, Stan, we get lip syncing by two different characters in the video. This shows the characters roles and who they are and represent. Due to the temp of the song, we struggle to see the cut to the beat, however, it is there, just subtle as it isn't cutting to every beat. We also get the use of special effects, which we see when Stan is standing in the mirror. This allows us to get a better understanding of what the characters wants and what the creatives are trying to show by using them. The lyrics match very well with song as it is showing you what the song is about directly and showing you the meaning behind it. Further more, the music video even gives you live footage from one of his concerts. The music video, even consists of different camera angles, ranging from close ups, to to wide shots, to low shots, etc. It really helps bring the video to life and show what the characters are feeling within these moments. However, once again the music video doesn't contain some of these elements. For example, it doesn't use a split screen or a chroma key and this is a simple reason why not: because it doesn't make sense for his music video.
Do's and Dont's :
What to do when creating my music video:
A key and popular thing I have noticed when doing research on music videos is that each one has a variation in shots and that the lyrics match the imagery. Both of these are important as they help tell the story and give you a better understanding of what the artist is trying to say with their song. Another important thing that I have noticed is that your music video must have a clear beginning, middle and end. This helps establish the steps in the story and allows you to get a clear understanding of where it is going.
A key aspect that most music videos have, weather it but all threw out or minimal, is lip syncing. I am going to aim to use this in mine in a creative way rather than all threw out due to the fact that all threw out can be distracting from the message of the song. Another popular option that a lot of music videos use is green screen. It helps set mood and location because of it's different options for backgrounds.
Positioning, transitions and split screens are also key things that I have noticed in a music video. Transitions help add that bit extra detailing in a music video and help you notice that the story is changing. Positioning helps you understand who the main character is and can also be used for satisfactory appeal. Split screens, however, aren't used as often yet when used they can show two sides of a story and really help the viewer gain a better understanding.
No music video is shot in one location, even if it is you will see different parts of it. But if they are it may be a little boring for the audience and more likely won't have much success due to this reason. Close up shots can create a personal bond with the spectator as it helps them feel close to the singer as if they are the only ones being told their true feelings in a way. Having multiple cuts, symmetrical shots and even using colour settings can all be aesthetically pleasing, which helps the spectator stay focused.
What not to do when creating my music video:
A big no when filming music video is holding the camera. Using the tripod is much better and can create smooth shots and transitions, without it it will look messy and rushed. Low-key lighting can really affect the shot and video, you won't really be able to see it and it isn't used much in music videos for the fact that it's hard to use it and be able to have a nice shot.
Not sticking to one type of music video, can be really difficult and overwhelming for the viewer. For example, trying to shoot a narrative video and a performance can cause a clash and make it hard to follow. Another big no is filming in college, it shows you haven't put much thought into your video and chose the easiest option of using what you have got instead of looking outside of the box. Following on from this, wearing your lanyard also shows you haven't though much about your costumes and how to set the scene through this.